Or at least the appearance of Disco! In honor of last nights fast paced, no pre-performance clips show we're getting right down to business... in reverse order of KICKAWESOMENESS (tm Kris)
Who Should Go: Lil, Matt or Anoop... anyone else and it'll be a travesty!
Who Will Go: Lil and Anoop
7. Lil has been a joke this entire competition! She took on "I'm Every Woman" in complete karaoke fashion and deserves to be the first person booted tomorrow night!
6. Matt went the cheesy route with "Stayin' Alive"... it started out okay, but when he tries to wow us with his falsetto the performance falls to pieces! The cruel ironist in me would love for that to be Matt's swan song!
5. Anoop has an awesome voicel, but sucks at picking songs! "Dim All the Lights"? Seriously Dawg? I found the arrangement slightly weird, then he went and botched the last note and then Simon completely canned him... Noop Dawg is not long for this competition!
4. Danny's "September" was like the opening act from a church revival (he did mash Kirk Franklin's version in there a bit.. maybe that's what I'm feelin'), the vocal were rough in the front, but he always hits his stride with the big notes!
"Kara's an idiot" #1- thinks Danny has perfect pitch (I'd give that award to Anoop & Adam ONLY)
3./2. Adam and Allison get the same critique this week.... awesome vocals, not digging the arrangement. Allison's take on "Hot Stuff" kinda felt a little icky (technical term!!) and complete age-inappropriate! I want to see her go young and fun! Adam's arrangement was kinda safe and boring. I want to stop seeing Emo Screecher Adam one week and Tender Ballad Adam the next... I want to see a Grey Adam.. not just Black & White.
"Kara's an idiot" #2- "Saturday Night Live?"
1. Kris (not just cuz he's my favorite)... the kid is awesome! Best vocals? nope... but BEST arrangement and performance of the night by a comfortable mile! It was cool, smooth and current! I can't wait for the studio version! He doesn't compromise for a quick vote, he knows who he is and isn't afraid to be himself!
It was actually a pretty entertaining show! If any of the "Top 3" go home because the used the stupid save on Crappy Matt.... I will be very angry!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
"Falling... not so slowly"
Randy and Paula were Captain and First Mate of the Nonsense Crew last night, but Simon and Kara weren't far below them in that pecking order either! All four were completely useless last night... I think I would have rather heard more from Quentin that this group! Plus anyone else think it's a coincidence that Simon/Paula reviewed Allison, Adam, Danny & Lil (the Pimp Squad) while the two best performance of the evening got pawned off on Dumb & Dumber? Nah, me either...
Enough of my rants... on with the show...
Allison was a full on mess last night! "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" was quite a misstep and not just because DC rocked it last year! The vocal was okay in part, dreadful in others but my biggest issues is the girl enunciation! I couldn't understand her half the time (and I actually know the word) Who knows if she'll land in the bottom 3, but with Miley Cyrus pimpin' her out she should be SAFE! (if she's not... I could see the Judges Save in her future!)
*Paula's nonsense #1: Allison is full of "special sauce"... I think Ms. Abdul's been hitting the "special" sauce... if you know what I mean!!
Noop Dawg really does have a stellar voice! He kicked in up a notch on "Everything I Do (I Do It For You)" and gave a quality performance and definitely one of the best vocals of the evening! But going second, having Randy & Kara, and past performance may land him in the bottom 3 and ultimately NOT SAFE! If Anoop's around next week I'd love to see him strip a song down even more... pull a Bo and go acapella!
Glambert was back in full force tonight with "Born to Be Wild"... some much theatrics... I seriously couldn't stomach listening to most of it! Simon tried to reign him in again, but I just don't see it working... oh well Adam's SAFE... blah, blah, blah!
Paula nonsense #2: "dancing on the path of greatness"... seriously what is she on?
Matt... I don't really ever remember Matt after he sings! The piano playing on "Have You Really Ever Loved A Woman" was good... the vocals were not! I'm bored with Kara's obsession of Rock v. Soul... the song last night was neither! Kid's so NOT SAFE tonight (Lil should get the boot, but I feel Matt might be going in her place)
Danny doesn't have the vocal tenderness to pull off the beginning of "Endless Love", but once he gets to the heart of the song... I truly believe the guy (and I don't even like Danny)... dude has got to decided once and for all wear the wedding ring or let it go... comes off bad! Danny got a little critque from Simon tonight on arrangement, but he should still be SAFE!
Kris sings from the heart... no matter what song, what genre, what tempo... the kid sings from his soul! There's no act like Adam, Danny or Matt (to a degree)! There may have been some pitch issues in the beginning, but just like DC last year, I can look past those things and see the sincerity in his eyes! Kris got royally screwed by Randy (and Ryan, who finally decided to cut Kara off when she actually had something of quality to say)... if Kris is in the bottom 3 tonight I will lose faith in Idol! (he might have deserved it last week, but not tonight!) I'm NOT SURE of Kris fate...
Lil once again don't really remember her vocal on "The Rose" just her major attitude after! She gave in to a stereotype and it was very unbecoming! Lil deserve to go... but as one of two females left and the only "diva"... I just don't see it happening! Maybe another trip to the Bottom 3? NOT SAFE
Bottom 3: Matt, Kris, Anoop or Lil
Who Should Go? Lil
Who Will Go? Matt
Save? if some how Allison or Kris ends up on the chopping block I could see it!
Overall it was a pretty crappy night! I wonder if we'll have the typical 3 group split with the remaining contestant picking the safe group tonight? That always turns out fun!
Enough of my rants... on with the show...
Allison was a full on mess last night! "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" was quite a misstep and not just because DC rocked it last year! The vocal was okay in part, dreadful in others but my biggest issues is the girl enunciation! I couldn't understand her half the time (and I actually know the word) Who knows if she'll land in the bottom 3, but with Miley Cyrus pimpin' her out she should be SAFE! (if she's not... I could see the Judges Save in her future!)
*Paula's nonsense #1: Allison is full of "special sauce"... I think Ms. Abdul's been hitting the "special" sauce... if you know what I mean!!
Noop Dawg really does have a stellar voice! He kicked in up a notch on "Everything I Do (I Do It For You)" and gave a quality performance and definitely one of the best vocals of the evening! But going second, having Randy & Kara, and past performance may land him in the bottom 3 and ultimately NOT SAFE! If Anoop's around next week I'd love to see him strip a song down even more... pull a Bo and go acapella!
Glambert was back in full force tonight with "Born to Be Wild"... some much theatrics... I seriously couldn't stomach listening to most of it! Simon tried to reign him in again, but I just don't see it working... oh well Adam's SAFE... blah, blah, blah!
Paula nonsense #2: "dancing on the path of greatness"... seriously what is she on?
Matt... I don't really ever remember Matt after he sings! The piano playing on "Have You Really Ever Loved A Woman" was good... the vocals were not! I'm bored with Kara's obsession of Rock v. Soul... the song last night was neither! Kid's so NOT SAFE tonight (Lil should get the boot, but I feel Matt might be going in her place)
Danny doesn't have the vocal tenderness to pull off the beginning of "Endless Love", but once he gets to the heart of the song... I truly believe the guy (and I don't even like Danny)... dude has got to decided once and for all wear the wedding ring or let it go... comes off bad! Danny got a little critque from Simon tonight on arrangement, but he should still be SAFE!
Kris sings from the heart... no matter what song, what genre, what tempo... the kid sings from his soul! There's no act like Adam, Danny or Matt (to a degree)! There may have been some pitch issues in the beginning, but just like DC last year, I can look past those things and see the sincerity in his eyes! Kris got royally screwed by Randy (and Ryan, who finally decided to cut Kara off when she actually had something of quality to say)... if Kris is in the bottom 3 tonight I will lose faith in Idol! (he might have deserved it last week, but not tonight!) I'm NOT SURE of Kris fate...
Lil once again don't really remember her vocal on "The Rose" just her major attitude after! She gave in to a stereotype and it was very unbecoming! Lil deserve to go... but as one of two females left and the only "diva"... I just don't see it happening! Maybe another trip to the Bottom 3? NOT SAFE
Bottom 3: Matt, Kris, Anoop or Lil
Who Should Go? Lil
Who Will Go? Matt
Save? if some how Allison or Kris ends up on the chopping block I could see it!
Overall it was a pretty crappy night! I wonder if we'll have the typical 3 group split with the remaining contestant picking the safe group tonight? That always turns out fun!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
"Hello Atlantic... goodbye Independent..."

Read all about it here: http://music-mix.ew.com/2009/04/jason-castro-at.html
No confirmed release date, but I'd say he needs to get it out August/September at the lastest so he doesn't get over run by the new Idol crop!
Way to Go Castro... Your easy listening style definitely has a place in my Idol collection!
Jason becomes the 4th Season 7 contestant to score a major deal!
Season 7 really seems to be shaping up to be a pretty productive group... Brooke's debut is out June 2nd, Michael's is out June 23rd, Carly's finishing one up and shopping it to labels, Rami's put out a Disney-ish EP and both Sy & Chikezie are in studio recording... add that to Kristy Lee and Amanda's already released Cds PLUS the David's... I'm pretty sure Season 7 takes the cake!
Season 7 really seems to be shaping up to be a pretty productive group... Brooke's debut is out June 2nd, Michael's is out June 23rd, Carly's finishing one up and shopping it to labels, Rami's put out a Disney-ish EP and both Sy & Chikezie are in studio recording... add that to Kristy Lee and Amanda's already released Cds PLUS the David's... I'm pretty sure Season 7 takes the cake!
Again, Congrats to Jason Castro... I know at least two people who'll be pickin' up your record!
"Top 7..."

From Ryan's twitter.... the Top 7 will be taking on "iconic songs from cinema" with Quentin Tarantino as guest mentor... really Tarantino again? (he was a guest judge during the same theme season 3) I don't get his movies and I certainly don't get his involvement with Idol, but to each his own I guess!
I really have no suggestions as to what these kids should be singing...
Adam will probably attempt to pick something from a movie musical
If Lil is STUPID she'll try something from the "The Body Guard" or "Titantic"
Matt will be 100% perdictable if he picks anything from the "Ray" soundtrack
Danny will suck the joy out of whatever he sings
who knows with Allison and Anoop...
but I'd give ALL the money I have to hear Kris Allen sing "In Your Eyes" for Say Anything... just him and an acoustic guitar... I'd totally be okay with that one!
It's another wide open theme for the kids to really show who they are musically... should be an interesting night!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
"The Adam Lambert Show"
... that the DVR watchers of America didn't even get to see last night! Idol and I are going through a rocky time (and with the chance of Kris going home tonight things are about to get a whole lot rockier!)
Last night was a poor showing for our Idol contestants, yet two contestant were still PIMPED to high heavens...
1. Danny opened the show with a crappy arrangement of "Stand By Me"... his vocals were okay, but his rendition sucked all the joy out of the song! Once again the judges praised his mediocre talent... Danny is SAFE!
2. Kris (for some reason) thought since singing from the crowd worked so well for Matt (NOT), he try it too! I actually thought "All She Wants To Do Is Dance" was a cool song choice for Kris and showed a little more "swagger" as Simon calls it, but the arrangement was a bit off and he got lost in the swaybots! Kris could potentially leave the show tonight (yep, before "Vanilla" MacIntyre, "Twelve riffs too many" Matt and CRAPPYCRAPPY Lil)... NOT SAFE
**If anyone deserves that "SAVE"... I've got some pretty convincing arguments for Kris! He's current, he's commercial, he's consistent... apparently they all start with "c"**
3. Lil chose to impersonate Tina Turner this week with "What's Love Got to Do With It"... not as train-wrecky as last week, but who wants to hear second (or third as Simon pointed out) rate performance of anyone? Probably still SAFE, but I'd love to see her annoying butt in the Bottom 3!
4. Noop Dawg has a stellar voice which he showed on "True Color", but he needs to figure out how to perform and sing... probably hitting the bottom 3 again this week... NOT SAFE (love Anoop, but if it's between him and Kris tonight... Noop Dawg deserves his ticket home)
5. Scotty picked the one song I've never heard... EVER (I don't even remember what it was called...) and then played the electric guitar? Oh man, if there is any justice in the Idol universe Scott with get his walking papers tonight. NOT SAFE
6. Allison gave one of the better performance on a crappy night, but I still didn't think her version of "I Can't Make You Love Me" was a crazy hot as the judges did! Maybe I was just bored stiff by the point in the evening?!? She doesn't belong in the bottom 3... SAFE
7. Matt redeemed "Part-time Lover" from Kevin Covias season 5 performance, but once again I didn't find it nearly as stellar as the Judges did (I liked Nikko's season 4 performance better). The kid just beats every song to death with his "riffs and runs"... let well enough alone Matt... please! SAFE (could possibly slip into the bottom 3 again)
8. Glambert boy did he earn his nickname tonight.... his take on "Mad World" (which he apparently pilfered from some one else) was almost as OTT as Simon's dramatic standing ovation (which he's never given in my Idol recollection)! The singing was mildly restrained for Adam (and I kind of enjoyed that), but the outfit & the lighting... goodness me I thought I stumbled into some Caberet lounge act! Plus... he totally botched the last note! But even without half of America seeing him sing he's still 100% SAFE!
**Conspiracy theorist this Adam getting cut off was deliberate to either entice 'Fringe' veiwers into maybe checking out Idol... or to add more Idol buzz for Adam! Either way... he is the CHOSEN ONE and this season already got it's forgone conclusion!**
Bottom 3? Combination of Noop, Kris, Matt or Scott
Who should GO? Scott
Who could GO? Kris
Who deserves that gosh darn SAVE more than anyone in this competition? Kris... here's hoping he gets it!
What song do you think the kid's will sing to tonight? (Are the honestly soooo busy they have enough time to record the track they lip synch to, but not to rehearse singing it live?)
Last night was a poor showing for our Idol contestants, yet two contestant were still PIMPED to high heavens...
1. Danny opened the show with a crappy arrangement of "Stand By Me"... his vocals were okay, but his rendition sucked all the joy out of the song! Once again the judges praised his mediocre talent... Danny is SAFE!
2. Kris (for some reason) thought since singing from the crowd worked so well for Matt (NOT), he try it too! I actually thought "All She Wants To Do Is Dance" was a cool song choice for Kris and showed a little more "swagger" as Simon calls it, but the arrangement was a bit off and he got lost in the swaybots! Kris could potentially leave the show tonight (yep, before "Vanilla" MacIntyre, "Twelve riffs too many" Matt and CRAPPYCRAPPY Lil)... NOT SAFE
**If anyone deserves that "SAVE"... I've got some pretty convincing arguments for Kris! He's current, he's commercial, he's consistent... apparently they all start with "c"**
3. Lil chose to impersonate Tina Turner this week with "What's Love Got to Do With It"... not as train-wrecky as last week, but who wants to hear second (or third as Simon pointed out) rate performance of anyone? Probably still SAFE, but I'd love to see her annoying butt in the Bottom 3!
4. Noop Dawg has a stellar voice which he showed on "True Color", but he needs to figure out how to perform and sing... probably hitting the bottom 3 again this week... NOT SAFE (love Anoop, but if it's between him and Kris tonight... Noop Dawg deserves his ticket home)
5. Scotty picked the one song I've never heard... EVER (I don't even remember what it was called...) and then played the electric guitar? Oh man, if there is any justice in the Idol universe Scott with get his walking papers tonight. NOT SAFE
6. Allison gave one of the better performance on a crappy night, but I still didn't think her version of "I Can't Make You Love Me" was a crazy hot as the judges did! Maybe I was just bored stiff by the point in the evening?!? She doesn't belong in the bottom 3... SAFE
7. Matt redeemed "Part-time Lover" from Kevin Covias season 5 performance, but once again I didn't find it nearly as stellar as the Judges did (I liked Nikko's season 4 performance better). The kid just beats every song to death with his "riffs and runs"... let well enough alone Matt... please! SAFE (could possibly slip into the bottom 3 again)
8. Glambert boy did he earn his nickname tonight.... his take on "Mad World" (which he apparently pilfered from some one else) was almost as OTT as Simon's dramatic standing ovation (which he's never given in my Idol recollection)! The singing was mildly restrained for Adam (and I kind of enjoyed that), but the outfit & the lighting... goodness me I thought I stumbled into some Caberet lounge act! Plus... he totally botched the last note! But even without half of America seeing him sing he's still 100% SAFE!
**Conspiracy theorist this Adam getting cut off was deliberate to either entice 'Fringe' veiwers into maybe checking out Idol... or to add more Idol buzz for Adam! Either way... he is the CHOSEN ONE and this season already got it's forgone conclusion!**
Bottom 3? Combination of Noop, Kris, Matt or Scott
Who should GO? Scott
Who could GO? Kris
Who deserves that gosh darn SAVE more than anyone in this competition? Kris... here's hoping he gets it!
What song do you think the kid's will sing to tonight? (Are the honestly soooo busy they have enough time to record the track they lip synch to, but not to rehearse singing it live?)
Friday, April 3, 2009
"Love Uncompromised"
(This ones for Lanessa... wasn't sure if you'd seen this yet!)
Jason Castro's new single from Idol Wrap (TVGuide Channel)
Hope you enjoy! :-)
Jason Castro's new single from Idol Wrap (TVGuide Channel)
Hope you enjoy! :-)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
"Open Mic Night..."
What kind of a crap "theme" was last nights show? Should have just called it "Contestant's Choice"... overall it was a pretty dull show, but it did produce one of my favorite performances from this season!
Noop Dawg opened the night what a pretty lack-luster KARAOKE rendition of Ushers' "Caught Up"... I didn't love it, the judges didn't love it and Anoop didn't seem too happy! The vocals were pretty good in part we just got no originality for the Dawg! He could be in real trouble tonight! Bottom 2 or headed home! (Noop Dawg just hasn't lived up to the hype/ my hype!)
Megasaurus was next with a dreadfully weird take on Bob Marley's "Turn the Lights Down" (or something like that...) She really does have a unique tone, but has no idea how to connect/emote/ imbody a song! I'll agree with the Judges that Adele or Duffy would have been a much better match for her voice. Head home... please, please, please
Dan-Dan- the Earnest Man took on Rascal Flats "What Hurts the Most" and while I actually enjoyed the verses... the chorus was too much for his voice (the Flats always make those notes seem so effortless) and Dan-dan was just reachin for them... and not quite makin it all the time. But he played to his audience and the Judges LOVE themselves some Danny... SAFE
Alliosaurus infused a little Pink into her Gwen tonight and I actually really dug her bringing out the "axe" as Paula said! It showed a different side to her as an artist! She got the chops, but I just don't know if she's got the fans to pull her through. SAFEish... she could be in the bottom 3 (I don't quite understand why the Judges spent the entire critque on her outfit though... this isn't What Not To Wear)
Scotty saved himself for a least a week with his take on Billy Joel's "Just the Way You Are". The arrangement sans the band was a good choice for Scott and allowed him to shine as much as his mediocre vocals would let him. SAFE for tonight, but I don't see him sticking it out more than another week.
Matty G. took the Fray's awesome "You Found Me" and kinda murdered it. Isaac's voice is so effortless and poinant in the song and Matt just muddled it all up! The vocals were a mess-mess-mess! Plus how "rockstar" does he think setting his keyboard in the middle of the crowd?!? LAME! Matt could land himself in the Bottom 3 with that one, but I think he'll stick it out a few more weeks.
"Little" really is no where near the singer she and the Judges think she is.... her "I Surrender" by Celine Dion was all kinds of flat! And those high notes they spoke so highly of were atrocious! I wouldn't mind seeing her smug little behind hit the bottom 3 (or go home for that matter) but as for now... SAFE
Glambert finally had a chance to be current and chose.... "Play That Funky Music" by Wild Cherry? Sure the arrangement was cool, but for more of a 70's funk/glam rock throw-back that anything that's current playing on my Top 40's station.... even with that, I was kinda on board until he again started screeching at me! I can deal with tone down Adam... I can't deal with the howling! The Judges think he hung the moon, my sister-in-law thinks he's sexy... he's oh so SAFE
the KRIS ALLEN... I got a little teary eyed during his take on Bill Wither's "Ain't No Sunshine" because I'm just so dang proud of this kid! The performance was everything I look for in an Idol... impeccable vocals ('cept for that last note.. ouch!), original arrangements, passionate but controlled... Kris has this quiet confidence about him... he knows who he is and isn't going to jeporadize it! For me this was the BEST OF THE NIGHT! I watched it multiple times and kept it for later viewings! :-) I was so so so proud of Kris for not giving in the Simon's "swagger request"! Keep being you Kris... America will catch on to how awesome you are (I'm sure of it!!)
So who's going home? Megan Joy or Noop Dawg (with Matty or Allison rounding out the bottom 3)
DAVID COOK is on the results show tonight! YAHOO!!!!!
Looks like next week will be "Songs from the Year You Were Born" (not YOU... the contestant's silly!) Look out 80's HERE WE COME!
Noop Dawg opened the night what a pretty lack-luster KARAOKE rendition of Ushers' "Caught Up"... I didn't love it, the judges didn't love it and Anoop didn't seem too happy! The vocals were pretty good in part we just got no originality for the Dawg! He could be in real trouble tonight! Bottom 2 or headed home! (Noop Dawg just hasn't lived up to the hype/ my hype!)
Megasaurus was next with a dreadfully weird take on Bob Marley's "Turn the Lights Down" (or something like that...) She really does have a unique tone, but has no idea how to connect/emote/ imbody a song! I'll agree with the Judges that Adele or Duffy would have been a much better match for her voice. Head home... please, please, please
Dan-Dan- the Earnest Man took on Rascal Flats "What Hurts the Most" and while I actually enjoyed the verses... the chorus was too much for his voice (the Flats always make those notes seem so effortless) and Dan-dan was just reachin for them... and not quite makin it all the time. But he played to his audience and the Judges LOVE themselves some Danny... SAFE
Alliosaurus infused a little Pink into her Gwen tonight and I actually really dug her bringing out the "axe" as Paula said! It showed a different side to her as an artist! She got the chops, but I just don't know if she's got the fans to pull her through. SAFEish... she could be in the bottom 3 (I don't quite understand why the Judges spent the entire critque on her outfit though... this isn't What Not To Wear)
Scotty saved himself for a least a week with his take on Billy Joel's "Just the Way You Are". The arrangement sans the band was a good choice for Scott and allowed him to shine as much as his mediocre vocals would let him. SAFE for tonight, but I don't see him sticking it out more than another week.
Matty G. took the Fray's awesome "You Found Me" and kinda murdered it. Isaac's voice is so effortless and poinant in the song and Matt just muddled it all up! The vocals were a mess-mess-mess! Plus how "rockstar" does he think setting his keyboard in the middle of the crowd?!? LAME! Matt could land himself in the Bottom 3 with that one, but I think he'll stick it out a few more weeks.
"Little" really is no where near the singer she and the Judges think she is.... her "I Surrender" by Celine Dion was all kinds of flat! And those high notes they spoke so highly of were atrocious! I wouldn't mind seeing her smug little behind hit the bottom 3 (or go home for that matter) but as for now... SAFE
Glambert finally had a chance to be current and chose.... "Play That Funky Music" by Wild Cherry? Sure the arrangement was cool, but for more of a 70's funk/glam rock throw-back that anything that's current playing on my Top 40's station.... even with that, I was kinda on board until he again started screeching at me! I can deal with tone down Adam... I can't deal with the howling! The Judges think he hung the moon, my sister-in-law thinks he's sexy... he's oh so SAFE
the KRIS ALLEN... I got a little teary eyed during his take on Bill Wither's "Ain't No Sunshine" because I'm just so dang proud of this kid! The performance was everything I look for in an Idol... impeccable vocals ('cept for that last note.. ouch!), original arrangements, passionate but controlled... Kris has this quiet confidence about him... he knows who he is and isn't going to jeporadize it! For me this was the BEST OF THE NIGHT! I watched it multiple times and kept it for later viewings! :-) I was so so so proud of Kris for not giving in the Simon's "swagger request"! Keep being you Kris... America will catch on to how awesome you are (I'm sure of it!!)
So who's going home? Megan Joy or Noop Dawg (with Matty or Allison rounding out the bottom 3)
DAVID COOK is on the results show tonight! YAHOO!!!!!
Looks like next week will be "Songs from the Year You Were Born" (not YOU... the contestant's silly!) Look out 80's HERE WE COME!
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