Monday, January 12, 2009

"My Little Corner of the World"

Everybody needs a little change in their life...
it's the beginning of the end or is it the end of the beginning?

So why start a blog?
  • it's my own personal diary -- that anyone with a computer can read... hm?
  • I have thoughts... lots of them (some relevant, some ridiculous, mostly random) and this seems like as good as place as any to put them.
  • I wanna remember... I tend to forget...

So whether one person, no person or a gaggle of people read this blog... it's all good, it's mainly for my own benefit! It's gonna be chalked full of the hard hitting stuff that really matters like....

American Idol... which starts tomorrow! So I will definitely be back Wednesday morning to share more than you probably ever wanted to know! :-)

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