Wednesday, May 20, 2009
"The Duel?"
Half of America thought Adam performed better (by half... I mean my sister-in-law) and the other half thought Kris performed better (by other half... I mean me)...
I guess we can both be right (except really... I'm right ;-p) Haha, no really that's the true beauty and nature of Idol... we each get to pick a favorite and support them till the end and beyond!
Kris and Adam have both said (many times... in many interviews) today, that the only person they were competing against last night was themselves! So BEST of luck to them both... I see bright (albeit weird for Adam) futures ahead of them.
Here's hoping America makes the RIGHT decision ;-)
Tomorrow I'll post my recap of the Grande Finale and my thoughts on the Season as a whole!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
"Who's In It... To WIN It?"
Of course, Adam Lambert is going to take this category. Adam has an unmatched range and technical knowledge... that allows him to reach (and obtain) notes I've never even heard! There may be an unpleasant-ness to his voice, but that's not the question at hand. Kris doesn't have the range to compete with Adam, but what he lacks with the notes he more than makes up for with connection and phrasing... but we're getting ahead of ourselves!
This category is the most "up to interpretation", but you reading my blog... so you must want my interpretation... I'm giving the performance edge to Kris Allen! Mainly because it is Kris' performance level that got him into this Finale (and Adam's voice that got him here) It's his ability to take a song and make it feel completely new and completely his, that caught my eye and kept it throughout this competition. Adam is great on stage, but he comes across as seasoned and rehearsed while Kris feels more genuine and organic! He didn't rely on stage lighting or his clothes to make a statement... he let his talent stand for it self... or maybe I just have a thing for musicians?!? ha. Kris has shown his skill on both the electric and acoustic guitar as well as the piano... in the short history of instruments on Idol that is an unmatched talent. But has also shown his ability to performance alone... providing some of his best performances!
iTUNES (Adam)
iTunes is by far the clearest way to predictable a contestants merit outside the Idol World... and it still has it draw backs. Just as in last years results the 2 contestants with the highest iTunes purchase rate are our Final 2. Adam is tearing up the tunes charts with Kris a distant second! Although I believe after last week, Kris may have closed that gap a tad bit! Of course, this doesn't exactly translate to sales (if you take into account the magnitude Idol holds while the seasons is airing versus during it's off seasons), but it's a pretty good indicator.
Kris and Adam both fit very well into a niche of Today's Top 40. While Adam could fill the void of a male Lady Gaga... marketing him as a Fall Out Boy/ Green Day/ My Chemical Romance type artist is probably a safer bet, allowing him a pop/punk/rock/emo edge that fits very well in mainstream music. Kris could definitely bring the folk/indie rock back to the forefront of today's music! Artist like John Mayer and Jason Mraz sell-out venues, but don't get as much radio play as their R&B counterparts.... I think Kris could really meld those two vibes together (haha.. I just used the word VIBE) and be something "new-again" in today's music.
It's clear Adam has been the preferred winner since about Top 10 and the Judges have beat that script into the ground. Simon has attempted to reign him in a time or two, but more often than not Adam has been seen as daring, the best, true greatness up on the stage... whether the praise is deserved is up to debate - whether he's favored is not! On the other hand Kris has delivered some truly stand-out performances, but at most receives a "personal best" comment for the Judges. While Kris has received very fair critiques throughout the seasons... it seems he's never given his proper dues... when it comes to arrangement and performance skills. Plus Kris has performed 7 out of 11 times in the first half of the show compared to Adam's 2 out of 11.... favoritism? I think so!
Interesting tidbits...
- This is the first season where both finalist have both been in the bottom 3!
- Alphabetically speaking... the lower lettered contestant always prevails ( Kelly v. Justin, Ruben v. Clay, Fantasia v. Diana, Carrie v. Bo, Taylor v. Katharine, Jordin v. Blake, Cook v. Archuleta....) weird huh?
- Only twice in Idol history has the first performer on finale night won... David Cook being the latest prime spot victor.
Well it looks like the scale is tipped in Adam direction...
While I truly believe the "Preordained" will without a doubt take the competition, the hopeless romantic in me still holds out hope for a Kris Allen MIRACLE! Both deserve their spot in this Finale and I couldn't imagine anyone else standing there in the end. It's gonna come down to who performs from the heart and gives it their all!
Fingers crossed that the Judges fight fair!
Simon Fullers' choice... who knows?
Reprisals... 'Mad World' and 'Ain't No Sunshine'
Coronation Song... Kara penned 'No Boundaries'
Here's to a competition between gentlmen...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
"Three Amigos?"
We're ranking tonights performance in order of WORST to BEST (add a little suspense and all that jazz)... so let's get to it!
6. DANNY - "Dance Little Sister" by Terrence Trent Darby: Danny went straight back to screaming at us to get his point across! There was no feeling.. no finesse to his vocal. Paula's song choice painted Danny into a very dated box... I really wasn't digging the early 90's Miami club vibe this song invoked!
5. ADAM - "One" by U2: This one made me long for Bono... and never in my life have I ever longed for Bono. The arrangement was way too theatrical and was almost completely melody-less! Quite a miss-step for Mr. Lambert.
4. DANNY - "You Are So Beautiful"by Joe Cocker: While I enjoyed this more than his first performance Danny had some major breath control issues going on (flash backs to Archie! AHHH!) This arrangement lent towards a "gospel rivival" feel that suits Danny, but not really Top 40 music!
3. KRIS - "Apologize" by One Republic: I absolutely L-O-V-E (LOVE) Kris at the piano and pray he brings it out during the Idol tour, but I'll have to agree with Simon this was a 'competent' vocal, but his musicanship (is that even a word?) bumps him up at least on my scale! I enjoyed the few liberties he took with the phrasing, but would have loved to see more!
2. ADAM - "Cryin" by Aerosmith: I actually really liked this vocal... until the background singer came in and the tounge came out! It showed the kind of music Adam could get away with making... even though Aerosmith isn't exactly topping the charts right now!
1. KRIS - "Heartless" by Kanye West: This was the closest to an "In A Dream" moment Idol's had since BO! Was it a perfect vocal... probably not, but it was so REAL and GENUINE and HEARFELT! I honestly believe neither Adam & especially Danny have the "artisty" to pull off an acoustic moment like this! Kris threw down everything he had on that stage and I LOVED IT! I'm so proud of him for taking a stand, taking a chance, and not compromising himself for the Idol stage! This just might have been the most unique moment Idol saw this year...
So who stays and who goes? Kris had a pretty stellar night on the Idol stage and really fought for his spot in the finals, Adam has consistently provided entertainment all season and Danny is a tool.... you do the math!
I really think Kris might have done enough last night to join Adam in the finale! :-) But I will try my best not to get my hopes up to high... in case America is blind, deaf and dumb...
Hopefully my 3600 (that's insane huh? the joys on unlimited texting) make a difference!!
Fingers crossed kids... fingers crossed!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
"Welcome to the Boy's Club"
We've had the Judges pimping the guys before the season even starts in every interview imaginable! Add in the fact that chicks (and gay dudes) make up like 98.2% of the Idol voting block and a Top 36 format where the 3rd vote-getter's gender is chosen by said voting block. So we get a Top 13 with 8 males and 5 females (two of which the judges picked). Females which included Jasmine, Megan and "allusive pitch" Lil... yep, they should have conceded week 1!
Before we dive into a Top 3 analysis... a look back at the first ever TOP 13!
13. Jasmine Murray: Modeling, acting? maybe? she'd get swallowed up in the music industry
12. Jorge Nunez: Endearing sure, but he was a throw back to Idol's of Old... the Puerto Rican Clay Aiken
11. Alexis Grace: "Dirtied" herself right out of a spot on the tour... I blame Kara (this should have been Megan's spot)
10. Michael Sarver: Road the "Dad" coat tails into a spot on the tour... good for him
9. Megan Joy Corkery: HOT vote + talentless = "package artist"
8. Scott MacIntyre: dude was blind... how could he not make at least 8th!
7. Lil Rounds: Never lived up to her OWN hype... she was the queen of 2nd rate karaoke
6. Anoop Desai: Noop Dawg never found his footing after Beat It, but he's still got a special place in my heart! Check out his studio recording
5. Matt Giraud: Stupid hat, stupid scarves.... couldn't get it together on the stage, but he's also got some great studio recording
4. Allison Iraheta: Talent chick, really grew through-out the season... I'm interested to see if in a land of Pinks and Kellys how much play she'll get...
So that brings us to Adam, Danny & Kris!
I will be genuinely surprised if anyone other than Adam wins this season of American Idol.
Strength: incredible range, interpretation and overall stage presence
Weakness: believability and "production"
Best Live Performance: Mad World or Tracks of My Tears
Best Studio Performance: Mad World (the only one I listen to regularly)
Worst Live Performance: Ring of Fire
Worst Studio Performance: Play That Funky Music or Born to Be Wild
Adam had amazing technically skill... he sings notes that I didn't existed and he owns the stage every moment he's on it! But my draw back with Adam (besides the creepy tongue thing) has always been the believability of it all. I always feel like I'm watching "Adam: The Musical" ... whether it's the glamed out theatrics or the tender balladeer; the moments don't feel real or organic! It's the lights or the entrance or the outfits, it all seems so over produced! He's got to let all that go and get real if people outside the Idoldome are going to embraced his music. Needless to say if Lady Gaga stays as popular as she is right now... Adam's definitely got a place on the Top 40 scene.
With that said the real fight is going to be for this year's runner-up. Danny or Kris? Kris or Danny? They have similar backgrounds, vocal styling and ideals, but honestly couldn't be more different than night and day...
Riled up Allison fans could push Gokey into a 3rd place finish or maybe that's just wishful thinking!
Strength: vocal power and intensity to carry a song
Weakness: pitch issues and song interpretation
Best Live Performance: Come Rain or Come Shine
Best Studio Performance: Come Rain or Come Shine & What Hurts the Most
Worst Live Performance: Dream On (by a comfortable mile) then Jesus Take the Wheel
Worst Studio Performance: Dream On (even with auto tune!!)
Danny has a voice that really soars on the big notes, but gets lost in the tender moments. When he hits the stride of a song the intensity of his vocal pulls it through and tends to make you forget the pitch issues. While the power of his voice makes him seem emotional connected, I think Danny lacks the skills to justly interpret a song through the beginning, middle and end. It again makes the performance seem like an ACT... an emotional ploy to get votes. Where as, Adam relies on a theatrical background to pull from to make his "act" more believable, Danny doesn't have the luxury and comes off a bit out of his depth. Plus there seems to be this smug, arrogance masked as self-deprecating humor with Danny that has always turned me off (and apparently the writers over at Entertainment Weekly!) Now where is Danny gonna fit in today's music is the real question... is Michael McDonald still making records? I actually see him as Contemporary Christian artist before I'd ever hear him having a hit on Top 40 radio.
*This will be a little biased because I absolutely adore Kris Allen and think he deserves a spot in the finally more than just about any other person in the competition!!
Strength: musician, humility, song interpretation & connection
Weakness: subtle range, seen as less flashy and boring
Best Live Performance: She Works Hard for the Money, Falling Slowly, Ain't No Sunshine... I could go on...
Best Studio Performance: Falling Slowly... it heart-breakingly beautiful
Worst Live Performance: All She Wants to Do is Dance (but I love the studio version)
Worst Studio Performance: She Works Hard for the Money (the strings took all the originality out)
Beside Allison strumming the guitar once, Kris is the only contestant in the Top 4 to play an instrument this season (a stark contrast to Season 7). Add in the fact that we barely saw the kid during the auditions and Hollywood, a placement in the toughest semi finals group and not to mention performing in the top half of the show 6 out of 9 times this season... I'd have to say Kris Allen is the hardest working man in Idol-land! He may not have the vocal range of Adam or the showmanship of Danny, but what he lack in those areas Kris makes up for with an amazing ability to really feel and inhabit the songs he chooses. His phrasing is so uniquely "Kris Allen"(haha, now I sound like Paula!) that it always adds an interesting layer to his performance. While Kris very rarely gets his dues for song arrangements, he has continually stayed humble and appreciative... even in the face of Simon's mocking! The biggest criticism of Kris is his "boring, laid-back" performance style... and next to a performer like Adam that could be seen as a weakness. But it's working out pretty well for John Mayer... to each his own I guess. I could definitely see Kris in the Matt Nathanson, John Mayer, Jason Mraz vein of music and doing just fine!
Danny & Adam definitely have the Judges support behind them and I'm already preparing myself for poor Kris to get pummeled with sandbags tonight...but all I can do is vote thousands of times and remember my track record...
I have "correctly" supported
- two winners (David Cook and Carrie)
- four runners-up (Justin G., Clay, Diana and Kat)
- of course there was the Season 6 miss-step with Chris Rich... I blame the green eyes...
3rd place just doesn't do it for me... so I implore you America... make the right choice!
A vote for Kris Allen is a vote for puppies.. and rainbows... and all things sweet and simple!
Until tomorrow....
Monday, May 11, 2009
"Sophmore Slump?"
Jordin Sparks sophmore album should be out sometime this summer, but here is a glimpse of her first single off the project "Battlefield"...
Now maybe this is a rough cut or something, but I just don't get the praise! Is it possible that I've finally hit the "out of touch with the kids" point in my life?
Is this the future of POP music? Lady Gaga & Lord Glambert? Rappers with Vocoders and over-production out-weighing actual vocals? I sure hope not... the kids deserve better than that... truly!
Oh well, that's the end of my rant on today's music!
Check back later for an indepth look at the American Idol's Top 3!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
"Disco is Alive and Well..."
Who Should Go: Lil, Matt or Anoop... anyone else and it'll be a travesty!
Who Will Go: Lil and Anoop
7. Lil has been a joke this entire competition! She took on "I'm Every Woman" in complete karaoke fashion and deserves to be the first person booted tomorrow night!
6. Matt went the cheesy route with "Stayin' Alive"... it started out okay, but when he tries to wow us with his falsetto the performance falls to pieces! The cruel ironist in me would love for that to be Matt's swan song!
5. Anoop has an awesome voicel, but sucks at picking songs! "Dim All the Lights"? Seriously Dawg? I found the arrangement slightly weird, then he went and botched the last note and then Simon completely canned him... Noop Dawg is not long for this competition!
4. Danny's "September" was like the opening act from a church revival (he did mash Kirk Franklin's version in there a bit.. maybe that's what I'm feelin'), the vocal were rough in the front, but he always hits his stride with the big notes!
"Kara's an idiot" #1- thinks Danny has perfect pitch (I'd give that award to Anoop & Adam ONLY)
3./2. Adam and Allison get the same critique this week.... awesome vocals, not digging the arrangement. Allison's take on "Hot Stuff" kinda felt a little icky (technical term!!) and complete age-inappropriate! I want to see her go young and fun! Adam's arrangement was kinda safe and boring. I want to stop seeing Emo Screecher Adam one week and Tender Ballad Adam the next... I want to see a Grey Adam.. not just Black & White.
"Kara's an idiot" #2- "Saturday Night Live?"
1. Kris (not just cuz he's my favorite)... the kid is awesome! Best vocals? nope... but BEST arrangement and performance of the night by a comfortable mile! It was cool, smooth and current! I can't wait for the studio version! He doesn't compromise for a quick vote, he knows who he is and isn't afraid to be himself!
It was actually a pretty entertaining show! If any of the "Top 3" go home because the used the stupid save on Crappy Matt.... I will be very angry!!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
"Falling... not so slowly"
Enough of my rants... on with the show...
Allison was a full on mess last night! "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" was quite a misstep and not just because DC rocked it last year! The vocal was okay in part, dreadful in others but my biggest issues is the girl enunciation! I couldn't understand her half the time (and I actually know the word) Who knows if she'll land in the bottom 3, but with Miley Cyrus pimpin' her out she should be SAFE! (if she's not... I could see the Judges Save in her future!)
*Paula's nonsense #1: Allison is full of "special sauce"... I think Ms. Abdul's been hitting the "special" sauce... if you know what I mean!!
Noop Dawg really does have a stellar voice! He kicked in up a notch on "Everything I Do (I Do It For You)" and gave a quality performance and definitely one of the best vocals of the evening! But going second, having Randy & Kara, and past performance may land him in the bottom 3 and ultimately NOT SAFE! If Anoop's around next week I'd love to see him strip a song down even more... pull a Bo and go acapella!
Glambert was back in full force tonight with "Born to Be Wild"... some much theatrics... I seriously couldn't stomach listening to most of it! Simon tried to reign him in again, but I just don't see it working... oh well Adam's SAFE... blah, blah, blah!
Paula nonsense #2: "dancing on the path of greatness"... seriously what is she on?
Matt... I don't really ever remember Matt after he sings! The piano playing on "Have You Really Ever Loved A Woman" was good... the vocals were not! I'm bored with Kara's obsession of Rock v. Soul... the song last night was neither! Kid's so NOT SAFE tonight (Lil should get the boot, but I feel Matt might be going in her place)
Danny doesn't have the vocal tenderness to pull off the beginning of "Endless Love", but once he gets to the heart of the song... I truly believe the guy (and I don't even like Danny)... dude has got to decided once and for all wear the wedding ring or let it go... comes off bad! Danny got a little critque from Simon tonight on arrangement, but he should still be SAFE!
Kris sings from the heart... no matter what song, what genre, what tempo... the kid sings from his soul! There's no act like Adam, Danny or Matt (to a degree)! There may have been some pitch issues in the beginning, but just like DC last year, I can look past those things and see the sincerity in his eyes! Kris got royally screwed by Randy (and Ryan, who finally decided to cut Kara off when she actually had something of quality to say)... if Kris is in the bottom 3 tonight I will lose faith in Idol! (he might have deserved it last week, but not tonight!) I'm NOT SURE of Kris fate...
Lil once again don't really remember her vocal on "The Rose" just her major attitude after! She gave in to a stereotype and it was very unbecoming! Lil deserve to go... but as one of two females left and the only "diva"... I just don't see it happening! Maybe another trip to the Bottom 3? NOT SAFE
Bottom 3: Matt, Kris, Anoop or Lil
Who Should Go? Lil
Who Will Go? Matt
Save? if some how Allison or Kris ends up on the chopping block I could see it!
Overall it was a pretty crappy night! I wonder if we'll have the typical 3 group split with the remaining contestant picking the safe group tonight? That always turns out fun!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
"Hello Atlantic... goodbye Independent..."

Season 7 really seems to be shaping up to be a pretty productive group... Brooke's debut is out June 2nd, Michael's is out June 23rd, Carly's finishing one up and shopping it to labels, Rami's put out a Disney-ish EP and both Sy & Chikezie are in studio recording... add that to Kristy Lee and Amanda's already released Cds PLUS the David's... I'm pretty sure Season 7 takes the cake!
Again, Congrats to Jason Castro... I know at least two people who'll be pickin' up your record!
"Top 7..."

I really have no suggestions as to what these kids should be singing...
Adam will probably attempt to pick something from a movie musical
If Lil is STUPID she'll try something from the "The Body Guard" or "Titantic"
Matt will be 100% perdictable if he picks anything from the "Ray" soundtrack
Danny will suck the joy out of whatever he sings
who knows with Allison and Anoop...
but I'd give ALL the money I have to hear Kris Allen sing "In Your Eyes" for Say Anything... just him and an acoustic guitar... I'd totally be okay with that one!
It's another wide open theme for the kids to really show who they are musically... should be an interesting night!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
"The Adam Lambert Show"
Last night was a poor showing for our Idol contestants, yet two contestant were still PIMPED to high heavens...
1. Danny opened the show with a crappy arrangement of "Stand By Me"... his vocals were okay, but his rendition sucked all the joy out of the song! Once again the judges praised his mediocre talent... Danny is SAFE!
2. Kris (for some reason) thought since singing from the crowd worked so well for Matt (NOT), he try it too! I actually thought "All She Wants To Do Is Dance" was a cool song choice for Kris and showed a little more "swagger" as Simon calls it, but the arrangement was a bit off and he got lost in the swaybots! Kris could potentially leave the show tonight (yep, before "Vanilla" MacIntyre, "Twelve riffs too many" Matt and CRAPPYCRAPPY Lil)... NOT SAFE
**If anyone deserves that "SAVE"... I've got some pretty convincing arguments for Kris! He's current, he's commercial, he's consistent... apparently they all start with "c"**
3. Lil chose to impersonate Tina Turner this week with "What's Love Got to Do With It"... not as train-wrecky as last week, but who wants to hear second (or third as Simon pointed out) rate performance of anyone? Probably still SAFE, but I'd love to see her annoying butt in the Bottom 3!
4. Noop Dawg has a stellar voice which he showed on "True Color", but he needs to figure out how to perform and sing... probably hitting the bottom 3 again this week... NOT SAFE (love Anoop, but if it's between him and Kris tonight... Noop Dawg deserves his ticket home)
5. Scotty picked the one song I've never heard... EVER (I don't even remember what it was called...) and then played the electric guitar? Oh man, if there is any justice in the Idol universe Scott with get his walking papers tonight. NOT SAFE
6. Allison gave one of the better performance on a crappy night, but I still didn't think her version of "I Can't Make You Love Me" was a crazy hot as the judges did! Maybe I was just bored stiff by the point in the evening?!? She doesn't belong in the bottom 3... SAFE
7. Matt redeemed "Part-time Lover" from Kevin Covias season 5 performance, but once again I didn't find it nearly as stellar as the Judges did (I liked Nikko's season 4 performance better). The kid just beats every song to death with his "riffs and runs"... let well enough alone Matt... please! SAFE (could possibly slip into the bottom 3 again)
8. Glambert boy did he earn his nickname tonight.... his take on "Mad World" (which he apparently pilfered from some one else) was almost as OTT as Simon's dramatic standing ovation (which he's never given in my Idol recollection)! The singing was mildly restrained for Adam (and I kind of enjoyed that), but the outfit & the lighting... goodness me I thought I stumbled into some Caberet lounge act! Plus... he totally botched the last note! But even without half of America seeing him sing he's still 100% SAFE!
**Conspiracy theorist this Adam getting cut off was deliberate to either entice 'Fringe' veiwers into maybe checking out Idol... or to add more Idol buzz for Adam! Either way... he is the CHOSEN ONE and this season already got it's forgone conclusion!**
Bottom 3? Combination of Noop, Kris, Matt or Scott
Who should GO? Scott
Who could GO? Kris
Who deserves that gosh darn SAVE more than anyone in this competition? Kris... here's hoping he gets it!
What song do you think the kid's will sing to tonight? (Are the honestly soooo busy they have enough time to record the track they lip synch to, but not to rehearse singing it live?)
Friday, April 3, 2009
"Love Uncompromised"
Jason Castro's new single from Idol Wrap (TVGuide Channel)
Hope you enjoy! :-)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
"Open Mic Night..."
Noop Dawg opened the night what a pretty lack-luster KARAOKE rendition of Ushers' "Caught Up"... I didn't love it, the judges didn't love it and Anoop didn't seem too happy! The vocals were pretty good in part we just got no originality for the Dawg! He could be in real trouble tonight! Bottom 2 or headed home! (Noop Dawg just hasn't lived up to the hype/ my hype!)
Megasaurus was next with a dreadfully weird take on Bob Marley's "Turn the Lights Down" (or something like that...) She really does have a unique tone, but has no idea how to connect/emote/ imbody a song! I'll agree with the Judges that Adele or Duffy would have been a much better match for her voice. Head home... please, please, please
Dan-Dan- the Earnest Man took on Rascal Flats "What Hurts the Most" and while I actually enjoyed the verses... the chorus was too much for his voice (the Flats always make those notes seem so effortless) and Dan-dan was just reachin for them... and not quite makin it all the time. But he played to his audience and the Judges LOVE themselves some Danny... SAFE
Alliosaurus infused a little Pink into her Gwen tonight and I actually really dug her bringing out the "axe" as Paula said! It showed a different side to her as an artist! She got the chops, but I just don't know if she's got the fans to pull her through. SAFEish... she could be in the bottom 3 (I don't quite understand why the Judges spent the entire critque on her outfit though... this isn't What Not To Wear)
Scotty saved himself for a least a week with his take on Billy Joel's "Just the Way You Are". The arrangement sans the band was a good choice for Scott and allowed him to shine as much as his mediocre vocals would let him. SAFE for tonight, but I don't see him sticking it out more than another week.
Matty G. took the Fray's awesome "You Found Me" and kinda murdered it. Isaac's voice is so effortless and poinant in the song and Matt just muddled it all up! The vocals were a mess-mess-mess! Plus how "rockstar" does he think setting his keyboard in the middle of the crowd?!? LAME! Matt could land himself in the Bottom 3 with that one, but I think he'll stick it out a few more weeks.
"Little" really is no where near the singer she and the Judges think she is.... her "I Surrender" by Celine Dion was all kinds of flat! And those high notes they spoke so highly of were atrocious! I wouldn't mind seeing her smug little behind hit the bottom 3 (or go home for that matter) but as for now... SAFE
Glambert finally had a chance to be current and chose.... "Play That Funky Music" by Wild Cherry? Sure the arrangement was cool, but for more of a 70's funk/glam rock throw-back that anything that's current playing on my Top 40's station.... even with that, I was kinda on board until he again started screeching at me! I can deal with tone down Adam... I can't deal with the howling! The Judges think he hung the moon, my sister-in-law thinks he's sexy... he's oh so SAFE
the KRIS ALLEN... I got a little teary eyed during his take on Bill Wither's "Ain't No Sunshine" because I'm just so dang proud of this kid! The performance was everything I look for in an Idol... impeccable vocals ('cept for that last note.. ouch!), original arrangements, passionate but controlled... Kris has this quiet confidence about him... he knows who he is and isn't going to jeporadize it! For me this was the BEST OF THE NIGHT! I watched it multiple times and kept it for later viewings! :-) I was so so so proud of Kris for not giving in the Simon's "swagger request"! Keep being you Kris... America will catch on to how awesome you are (I'm sure of it!!)
So who's going home? Megan Joy or Noop Dawg (with Matty or Allison rounding out the bottom 3)
DAVID COOK is on the results show tonight! YAHOO!!!!!
Looks like next week will be "Songs from the Year You Were Born" (not YOU... the contestant's silly!) Look out 80's HERE WE COME!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
"Motown Moments.."
There were some pretty stellar performances last night, but I just didn't feel any pull to vote. (This is from the girl who doesn't even want to attempt to count the number of texts/calls she sent out for DC last year!) I did throw a few Kris' way... because I think he gets overshadowed by Piano Matt & Gokey!
On to the performance recap... (in ranking order, because it's fun!)
KRIS ALLEN "How Sweet It Is (To Be Love)" by Marvin Gaye: I completely adore this kid's ability to make a song his own! His vocals were strong and on point. He's so genuine on stage... I completely buy whatever he's selling! The judges are fans, Simon's on CRACK telling him he needs "swagger"... boo! We love cute little tender Kris! SAFE
ALLISON IRAHETA "Papa Was A Rolling Stone": This kid really can sing! She definitely had one of the best of the night and her best of the competition! Hopefully this keeps her in contention! SAFE
ADAM LAMBERT "Tracks of My Tears" by Smokey Robinson: I want to see the real Adam... tonight was an excellent tone down vocal, but I want to know who Adam really is! Behind of the characters, eye-liner & emo hair... can I relate to this guy? For the first time tonight Adam impressed me... not really enough the make me a fan, but his voice really is amazing (when he's not screeching at me) SAFE
ANOOP DESAI "Oo, Baby baby" by Smokey Robinson: I 100% he would have sang this almost acapella... maybe with only the piano! The band/ crappy background singers overpowered his tender vocals. I'll agree with Randy, Anoop needs to kick it up a notch next week! SAFE
MATT GIRAUD "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye: The vocals were pretty good and I did enjoy that he finally got up from the piano! Matt reigned in his "riffs and runs" a bit, but I'd love him to take it back even more! The judges want us to believe he's making a play for the finale... I just don't see it! SAFE
DANNY GOKEY "Get Ready": He performance was okay... nothing spectacular, but he disregard for Smokey's advice annoyed me. Danny was a little forgettable tonight, but still SAFE
LIL ROUNDS "Heatwave": Lil should have commanded the stage last night and she really fell flat for me. Completely forgetable... but still SAFE
**side note: If the Judges Save is used in the competition... it'll be on Danny or Lil!
MEGAN CORKERY/MEGAN JOY (whatever the crap her name is this week) "For Once In My Life" by Stevie Wonder: This was the oddest performance ever... every 10 or 15 notes there would be one that worked. Megan went from flat to screechy and back to flat like it ain't no thang, but the thing was... I found myself not hating and yet again... just not getting it at all! It was just weird...
MICHAEL SARVER & SCOTT MACINTYRE actually managed to make there songs sound less contemporary than the originals. Too bad we can't have a double elimination and send them both home! One of the two has to go home tonight... I'd only slightly chose Sarver over Scott. Michael seem like bad karaoke compared to the rest of the singers last night, and Scott like an awful cruise ship act!
Who Will Go: Michael Sarver
Bottom 3: Michael, Scott & Megan
Who's ready for contemporary music? Not sure what next weeks Genre is, but here's hoping it's not Big Band or something else that has no relevance to Top 40 music...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I check it a million times a day to see what my good friends Ryan Seacrest, John Mayer and Bobby Bones are up to and laugh to myself about the funny things I post and realize that no one is really reading them anyway ('cept Paula & Mel)!
It's so much fun though! Everyone should tweet... no really... EVERYONE!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
"My apologies to Johnny Cash..."
I'm gonna skim over the non-importants, gush about the "Performances of the Night" and rant about the TRAINWRECKS...
Michael: "Ain't Going Down Till the Sun Comes Up" - Garth Brooks... he rushed the lyrics, ran out of breath, was clumsy & limited his vocals -- NOT SAFE (a likely contender to go tomorrow)
Allison: "Blame It On Your Heart" - Patty Loveless... felt she was a touch behind the music, didn't love... didn't hate, she was less annoying tonight -- SAFE (going early could land her in the bottom 3)
*a bit of "Ashley" trivia: this was the first CASSETTE TAPE I ever bought with my own money!!
Kris: "To Make You Feel My Love" - Bob Dylan/ Garth Brooks... This vocal was LOVELY, it was subtle, vunerable, current, relevant... remind me very much of Castro's "Hallelujah" and Cook's "Little Sparrow"! The arrangement was cool, the vocals were smooth and on-point (went off a little with the falsetto), but definitely ties as my favorite of the evening! I can not wait for the studio version! I was also glad to see Simon finally giving Kris his dues in this competition! SAFE
* a bit of "Idol" trivia: This song was also covered by Kelly Clarkson for the 'Hope Floats' soundtrack!
Lil: "Independence Day" - Martina McBride... weird phrasing, too much back talk, she's got nothing on Martina or Carrie! Could be in a spot of trouble! SAFE ps. I find Simon calling her "Little" hilarious... if you don't want some poor Brit calling you that... get a normal name!
* More "Idol" trivia: this was the B-side to Carrie's "Inside Your Heaven" Winners Single.
Glambert: "Ring of Fire" - Johnny Cash... I partially blame myself! I said I'd be interested in seeing him take on Cash... I take it back, I take it back, I take it ALL back! This was a complete WTF moment! Johnny Cash was most definitely rolling over in his grave! It was completely out of place! His high notes are so shrill & whiny! I hated it.. literally HATED it, but that won't matter... America has a weird facination with singers I hate! SAFE ps. If Randy calls him 'current' one more time I just might scream... Nine Inch Nails? NOT CURRENT DUDE! GEEZ!
Scott: "Wild Angels" - Martina McBride... wasn't feeling the first 1/2, but enjoy when the music picked up near the middle. Scott joke about moving the piano closer was pretty funny, but I think he could be near the bottom of the pack tonight. NOT SAFE
Alexis: "Jolene" - Dolly Parton... it was an okay performance, didn't enjoy the arrangement, and I seriously wish Kara would stop telling the poor girl she needs to be a slut to make it in this competition... it's driving me insane! She was pretty forgettable tonight. NOT SAFE (Although I see a guy going home tomorrow)
Danny: "Jesus Take the Wheel" - Carrie Underwood... dude the front part of this was gosh awful! He was no where near the pitch... way too low! He put forth a little gusto on the chorus, but all in all... this was a crap performance that Paula & Simon fawned all over! Paula is drunker than a skunk it she thinks Carrie is even gonna shell out the 99 cents for the iTunes download of that let alone a CD! But America love the guy! SAFE
Anoop: "You Were Always on My Mind" - Willie Nelson... Anoop made me forget Willie ever sang that song! This was a BEAUTIFUL vocal, exactly what he needed to do to remind America why he needs to remain here! He put his own slight twist on the song and made it seem brand new! I am so proud of this kid. SAFE
Megan: "I Go Out Walkin' After Midnight" - Pasty Cline... she gets the 'sick' pass, I didn't complete hate it, but I also didn't completely get it! SAFE
Matt: "So Small" - Carrie Underwood... apparently Matt is what we like to call the "Stealth Chosen One", but I guess when you go 12th on Top 13 night and 11th and Top 11 night it's not so stealth anymore! The vocals were okay, the kid still has to put a run in every syllable of every word and tries way too hard for me to actually get behind him... but I didn't hate it! The judges still think he is the second coming of JT, Michael Buble, Gavin Degraw and every other current musicain... so... SAFE
Who's going home? Michael Sarver or Scott MacIntyre and think Alexis might be joing them in the bottom three
Will the judges use their save? not unless Matt/Gokey or Glambert some how find themselves on the chopping block!
I won't be around to watch tomorrow night's episode, but I'll be back Thursday evening to discuss all the FUN!
Monday, March 16, 2009
"The Top 11 Taken on..."
ie: Country night... this year's twist is only Opry Member's songs are available. I usually love country night on Idol (check out "Memory Lane" at the end of this post), but this Tuesday should be pretty interesting without our patented country singer!
Who's gonna step up to the plate? Who's gonna fall flat?
I think Kris, Michael & Alexis will fit to country music seemlessly... even if Michael insists he's not country and might be able to pick up a whole voting block!
I can see both Danny & Scott relying heavily on the "tender lovelorn ballad" to get them through the night.
Adam or Lil will probably pick "I Will Always Love You"... they're both such divas! Although I might be interested in seeing Adam take on Johnny Cash.
Matt is probably wishing Keith Urban was a member of the Grand Ole Opry right about now, I know I sure am... he (and Kris) would have killed with a little "Tonight I Wanna Cry" or "Making Memories of Us" or whatever his current single happens to be.
Megan will fall flat on her face, but the judges won't care because she's quirky!
Anoop & Allison also ran a great chance of failure, but could completely stand out by making a song their own... I think Matt will actually end up in this category as well, with the best results!
Tuesday will bring a mentor session with Randy Travis, while Wednesday brings a Carrie/Randy Travis duet on her newest single "I Told You So" and a performance from Brad Paisley! It's not a good sign that I more excited about Wednesday than Tuesday is it? oh well...
"Country Night Memory Lane"
Season 2:
- Clay Aiken: "Someone Else's Star"
- Kimberly Locke: "I Can't Make You Love Me"
Season 3:
- Diana Degarmo: "Broken Wing"
- LaToya London: "Ain't Going Down Till the Sun Comes Up"
Season 4:
- Carrie Underwood: "Bless the Broken Road"
- Bo Bice: "Great Day to Be Alive"
- Anthony Federov: "I'm Already There"
Season 5:
- Katharine McPhee: "You're Bring Out the Elvis in Me"
- Chris Daughtry: "Making Memories of Us"
- Kellie Pickler: "Fancy"
Season 6:
- Jordin Sparks: "Broken Wing"
- Melinda Doolittle: "Trouble is a Woman"
Season 7:
- David Cook: "Little Sparrow"
- David Archuleta: "Smokey Mountain Memories"
- Jason Castro: "Travelin' Thru"
- Carly Smithson: "Here You Come Again"
- Michael Johns: "It's All Wrong, But It's All Right"
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
"Thriller Night? You decided..."
Lil started it off with "The Way You Make Me Feel" one of my all time favorite MJ songs and gave a pretty karaoke/by the book rendition. Lil is a competent singer that brings absolutely nothing new to the Idol stage. Her vocal on playback actually seemed a bit forced and slightly behind the music. I have yet to see (or hear) why the judges are supporting her so heavily... I just don't get it! Plus she looked horrible... I mean, really really bad! Results: Lil isn't going anywhere... Top 5 to Top 3
Scott made the right choice with "Keep the Faith", because while it was an unfamilar song his fanbase probably isn't familar with Jackson's songs anyway! The vocal was pretty good, till he tried stretching for a few of those high notes.. eek! Scott has a decent voice, but the fact that he's blind will carry him far past his expiration date in the competition... and I mean that in the nicest way possible! Results: Scott will be just fine this week... Top 8 to Top 6
(Anyone else want to punch Kara for making it seem like learning his song in a week was such a feat? when contestants did it all season long last year? Gracious, she grates on my last nerve!!)
Danny gets a few points for stepping outside the "inspirational ballad" realm with "P.Y.T." (also sung by the great Justin Guarini of Season 1)... it showed a different side and stage presence (his goofy dancing was even slightly endearing). He was pimped to high heaven by the judges and I don't get their love for him either, especially when Simon compares him to Michael McDonald... could Simon not think of a less relevant artist? Wait I thought of a less relevant one... Taylor Hicks.... Ohhhhh!!!! Results: Danny's here for the long haul... Top 3 to Winner
Michael attempted to show off his vocal range with "You Are Not Alone", but I think it still came off as weak,breathy and pretty boring. He be one of my picks to go home tonight, but middle America & the judges seem to keep giving him chances. Results: Michael should be going home after last night, but I think he'll get a least one more reprise... Top 13 to Top 10
I actually liked Jasmine's choice of "I'll Be There" and actually think her tone is more unique than Lil's, but she sings straight through her nose (much like all the young pop diva's) and that will great on A LOT of peoples nerves. The vocal/ stage presence came across as very (VERY) pagenty... big no-no on Idol. Results: I think it's very likely Jasmine will go home tonight.. if not... Top 11 is as far as she'll get.
Kris was my favorite of the night! His was really the only one I could have heard on Top 40 radio... he's definitely the most current (no matter what Randy says about Adam)!! His rendition of "Remember the Time" was very Mraz/Gavin/Castro-esque! He's a little quirky and awkward on stage... I dig it! The judges really don't seem to be on his bandwagon though which could spell trouble. Results: I could see Kris maybe falling into the Bottom group tonight, but he in NO WAY deserves to go... Top 8 to Top 6 (a la all the heart-throbs!!)
Allison song choice may be what gets her in trouble tonight. "Give It to Me" is a completely unknown song and while she got vocal chops, the performance just wasn't memorable at all. She is definitely a judges fav, but I think she'll land in the bottom. Results: Allison is a contender for the bottom spot, but if the Judge's twist is some kind of "veto" ... she'll be saved.... but I don't see more than a Top 10 to 8 finish for her.
Anoop got racked over the coals last night for a performance that I didn't honestly think was that bad. He took a risk with "Beat It" and while it didn't necessarily pay off... it was no where near to horror that judges made it out to be. He was entertaining and engaging, but the vocals were off. Results: Anoop will be fine this week (the OTT de-pimping will get him some votes), but he needs to step it up in the vocals to make the Top 6 to Top 4 spot he deserves.
Jorge sang "Never Can Say Goodbye" as a cruise ship lounge act! The vocals were good, but the performance was pretty boring and every couple lines he'd lose his diction lesson and I'd wonder if he switched to spanish (which might have actually been a cool latin-heartthrob ploy). Results: I think Jorge will be leaving us tonight... Top 13 or 12 is his spot!
I kinda sorta strongly dislike Megan.... so this will be super bias! First of all, her dancing is ridiculous, but in a completely staged, "I'm trying way too hard to be cute & quirky" way and she CAN NOT sing! All she does is shout at me... off-pitch! What in the crap was with the "Caw" at the end? She like the most annoying parts of Carly Smithson & Brooke White in one person... one fake person! So not a fan!!! Results: Megan will also pass her expiration date, but I'll never understand why... Top 9 to Top 6
Adam (aka Glambert) will probably win American Idol (unless we keep uncovering pictures of him kissing dudes) and it will be under my protest! He was so OTT (not nearly as over the top as the judging panel) it made me alittle sick to my stomach! Glambert most definitely belongs on a stage... just not this one! I'd love to see the kid on Broadway... but that's along way from my radio in the morning. Like I said... the judges are pimping him to high heavens and he'll probably win the whole dang show! Results: Paula crowned an Adam/Danny final... we'll have to see if she's right... Top 3 to Winner.
Matt tried way too hard to make "Human Nature" hip and cool! That seems to be Matt's MO... try too hard, give a mediocre vocal (that you can barely understand) and get praise as being the second coming of JT. I just don't see America buying into it! Results: Matt will be fine for the next few weeks, but I see him in Megan's spot... Top 9 to Top 6
Alexis had one of the better vocals last night with "Dirty Diana", but I just don't like the image she setting up... I think it's off putting to middle America and might get her into some trouble. Her stage presence could use some work along with her phrasing! None the less, I see her as the "girl" competition in the Boys club this year! Results: She in like Flynn.... Top 5 to Top 3.
Who's going home: Jorge & Jasmine (Michael & Kris have an outside shot)
Judges twist: I'm going with some kinda of chance at veto power or sing-off with the judges making the ultimate decision.... which we completely change Idol for the worse!!
We shall see tonight...
Monday, March 9, 2009
"The Top 13 take on..."
Friday, March 6, 2009
"Noop Dawg in da House!"
oh yeah...
* Jasmine apparently think Mulan is commercially relevant in 2009
* Megan sucks... like seriously SUCKS!
* Ricky Braddy got epically ROBBED...
* Jesse Langseth got kinda sorta robbed...
* Von Smith needs to star in the Broadway show titled... "Jimmy Neutron goes to Sing-Sing" (sorry that's the prison in "The Producers"... a little musical theater humor... Adam Lambert would have laughed)
* Tatiana is 100% insane and should be comitted to a mental institution!
* I call Top 13 "pimp" spot for Matt Giraud, he'll play the piano and we'll all be "dazzled"
* Kelly Clarkson is cool sure... but KANYE?!? Wonder what Idol had to promise him to book that gig?
I'll be back tomorrow to further discuss this year's Top 13!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
"Bring on the Wildcard"
- Lil is 100% LaToya London... but with a weaker range.
- Jorge is 100% Clay Aiken (same song choice and everything)... but less pale.
- Scott is like 65% Aiken and 35% Archie... with a weaker vocal & a cooler impairment (sorry Archie paralyzed vocal cords just doesn't carry the same weight as blindness)
* I'm telling you this is American Idol: The New Class (ya know like Saved By the Bell) we're watching this year... same characters different faces!
Other random observations?
- Ryan totally suited up for the occasion.. I like it.
- Idol used Cook's "A Daily AntheM" again... awesome!
- I'm calling "LIP SYNCH" on last night's group song.
- CryBaby Nate still didn't cry... if he's not gonna live up to his nickname everyweek I'm glad he's gone!
- Kara is completely worthless and makes me so appreciative of Paula... (wow... did I really just type that?)
- I'd like to personally thank Alex Wagner-Trugman for his awesomeness and for getting "I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues" stuck in my head... still... 2 days later!
- AND Ryan's new nickname might need to be Captian Obvious! ie: to Ju'Not and Jorge... "one of you is through... and one of you is... not" gee Ryan ya think?
** sidebar: like Asia'h Epperson before him... I'm glad Ju'Not didn't make it through, because his name's so gosh darn annoying to type.
On to the real fun of the evening... WILD CARD PICKS!
- Randy announces Von Smith first, Simon tells him to wear a hat! Fabulous advice Simon, really.
- Kara gives the gift that just keeps on sucking... Jasmine Murray. Ridiculous!
- Paula names Ricky Braddy... another one of the best voice that probably won't make the top 12.
- Simon names would be/could be/should be "package artist" Megan Corkery.
- Randy brings the crazy back with Tatiana del Toro... Simon mocking her was quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever seen.
- Kara continues to be useless calling Matt Giraud the "bluesyest" contestant ever! And he's pretty cocky for a dude who made me hate Coldplay even more that I already did.
- Paula must have drawn the right straw because she's getting to name the cool picks... Jesse Langseth deserves the spot over Megan any day.
- and when Simon finally tells me I've been waiting to hear for 3 weeks all I can chant to myself is "Anoop's so cute, he's so cute..." (Ps. Anoop & Braddy seem to be friends! Aw.. I like it!)
So tonight this 8 can either sing a new song or try their previous one again... here's hoping for all new stuff!
My dream three? Anoop, Braddy & Jesse
Probably three? Matt G., Anoop & Megan
But whichever way it turns out... tonight will probably be the best of the last three weeks... for the first time all season.. I'm a bit excited!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
"Weak 3..."
- Von went first, shouted less... and still has no chance at the Top 12.
- Taylor sang Alicia Keys and DOES NOT sound just like her.
- Alex is a-dork-able too bad he came across as a cheap Elton John/Elvis Presely impersonator.
- Arianna picked ABBA (or ABBA covered by the A*Teens?) either way... it was painful.
- Ju'Not put us to sleep, but the judges apparently don't care because he's a R&B singer who's not white.
- Kristen is one of the better voice that won't make the Top 12, but that song was all kinds of wrong for her.
- CryBaby Nate murder Meatloaf and didn't cry... I am disappointed.
- Felicia sings Alicia Keys and DOES sound just like her only a lamer version of her.
- Scott mocks Ryan Seacrest and that's enough for me to forget the okay singing of a song no ones ever heard.
- Kendall couldn't even be a Martina McBride impersonator.
- Jorge can't think in English, but he sure can sing in it.
**Ps. A little idol trivia: Jorge made "Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me" tied for the most sung song on American Idol with last night's performance bringing the total to 6 -- (others ... "Against All Odds" and"I Have Nothing")
- Lil gets the pimp spot and kinda ruins the beginning of my karoke jam! Ps. Lil, you are no ______________ (insert famed musical diva here)... so maybe try singing something else... anything else.
The judges and Ryan were all a little annoying last night... bring on Wildcard night!
Quote of the night: "...very short reps of low weight... I'm very weak." Alex Wagner-Trugman's response to Ryan question his gym regiment! "Kick-awesome!"
Filling the Top 3 spots? Lil, Scott and Jorge or Ju'Not!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
"Sad day..."
"Things are moving a mile a minute in lots of different directions. Turns out Jason won’t be on Idol this week and the song won’t be on iTunes tomorrow. We know this is not what you want to hear, BUT there’s really great news coming soon. We know how excited everyone was for the big week, but it simply wasn’t possible to have him on Idol due to time constraints. AI and Jason are looking forward to a future appearance if scheduling permits. Consider all of our preparation an amazing dress rehearsal for the real deal when it happens."
Big ole bummer! Sorry Lanessa... hopefully he'll make it on later this season!
Friday, February 27, 2009
"Way to go Castro..."
It seems Idol is taking my suggestion to bring back the awesomeness that was Season 7!
We've had Michael & Carly, then Brooke... who could be next?
Word on the "street" is Jason Castro will be back to perform an ORIGINAL song on Group 3's results show... March 4th to be exact! Set your DVRs and such!!!!
It's only a matter of time before Archuleta & Cook make an appearance... right? Hopefully they can fit us in to their busy schedules before the finale :-)
"The Man in the Mirror..."
Okay.. on to the recap!
Ryan starts the show by asking... "What have YOU done?" essentially blaming us for crushing the hopes and dreams of 9 contestants... gee, Seascrest! There were 25 million votes cast and I take credit for 150 of them (it would seem my vote is pretty inconsequential). Alexis, Michael and Danny are paraded once again across our screen and I think I've decided they are already my least favs of the Top 12...
The Group song this week is "Closer" by Neyo and the kids sound pretty "kick awesome" (tm CutieKris) together... especially the guys! They're also totally groovin' out and I love it! Anyone else notice Nick is so not a fan of the group sing... he wasn't even singing half the time! Ps. Kai shirt is stellar... the new tuxedo shirt!
We come back from the first commerical to Contestant Chat where we learn... Nick's still funny, Matt B's still learning, Jesse's still mouthy and Jeanine think less is more especially in shorts.
Ryan calls out the first group of Allison, Jesse and Matt B. -- yada yada yada... Matt & Simon might get into a fist fight... Allison is the through and the others are sent packin'! Allison sings "Alone" again and I hit fast forward, but not before we're remind again just how young Allison is... 16!!!!
Back from break # 2 Ryan pulls down Kris and Megan then Matt G. and Jeanine. Ryan makes the mistake of asking Paula's opinion... her response "Matt, Kris or Megan... oh yeah, and Simon's a gnat?" (crazy lady). Kara steps in to drone on about nothing and Simon calls her on it... she gets defensive and Ryan cuts her off... good times! After a whole lot of nothing (plus the dismissal of Matt G. & Jeanine) Ryan finally gives Megan her walking papers and Kris is through to the Top 12 (are Paula & Simon high-fiving in the background? what up with that)
Aw.. he's generally shocked and so happy... it's cute and contagious! He sings again... and I still dig it! He's so sweet and unassuming... I like him! He's like Jason Castro & Brooke White rolled in to one person!
Ps. check out his youtube awesomeness!
After yet another commerical we get to re-see the 'Idol Retrospective' ... and I certainly don't mind a chance to see David Cook cry again! Plus... hello Idol Season 7 alum, Brooke White... welcome back! She tell the kids "don't Google your name" and goes right into her new single "Hold Up My Heart"... it's 100% Brooke! A little sweet, a little cheesy... I like it!
We're back from break 457... Mishavonna, Kai & Jasmine are all out. Leaving Nick or Adam... and of course it's Adam! DUH! I fast forward again, but still have to see Adam and his weird tongue thing... yuck!
We close out the show with Group 3's dorky dancing! It's cute and fun... it's ALEX! Next week should definitely be interesting... wide open for the guys & third spot!
WC round is also next week! I'm expecting to see... Anoop, Matt G., Megan, Ricky and Jesse... but I think the first 3 will get the Wild Card picks!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
"Weak 2..."
Group 2 wasn't really any better than Group 1 and from the looks of Group 3... I'd say we're in for more crappy singing! A few random thoughts before diving into a spectacular evening with Idol... I really like dressed down Ryan and Randy's glasses, the opt out of "family time" was much appreciated and what was up with the extra chattiness from the contestants tonight... not a big fan of the back talk!
And here we go...
Jasmine Murray can't go into her upper register without involving her nasal passages! I thought her take on Sara Bariellis' "Love Song" got a little better as it went along, but no where near Top 12 level. Overall it did seem to be par for the course as the night went along. Give her a few years and some corrective singing lessons and she could have had a shot in one of Diddy's "Ultimate Girl Groups". Top 12 chances? She blew it...
Matt Giruad tried to be hip with "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay and it just didn't pan out for him. He tried to do too much with the song making the phrasing weird and off-putting. The judges called him on the bad song choice, but put forth the "remember Hollywood" mantra that will probably still earn Matt a spot in their top 12. I think Matt is definitely more of a Dave Matthews than a Chris Martin... plus Chris Martin is just crappy! Top 12 chances? Matt might sneak in this week... he's got the fan base! If not... he's definitely a wild card pick!
I think Jeanine Vailes was better off as the chick no one knew! Seriously... "This Love" by Maroon 5? was she confused about the point of this competition? Her pitch, tone, tempo... all off... all a mess! It was bad... Top 12 chances? She didn't have any to begin with... but this really didn't help her cause at ALL.
Nick/Normund... what can you say? The guy's entertaining, but for all the wrong reasons in Idol-land! He had one or two good notes in his rendition of "And I'm Telling You..", but it's not good when your entertainment is upstaged by a one liner from Seacrest... "first person to ever get to 2nd base with our logo"... now that's comedy! Top 12 chances? Not really likely at all, but maybe they'll bring him back for some wild card fun...
Allison Iraheta's chat with Ryan was as annoying as all get out and she chose to sing "Alone" by Heart... she's got a pretty decent voice, but makes weird facial expressions while she sings. The song was great for her voice, but might have been a little big for her range. The judges throw out the patented subliminal messages... "only 16!!", "you could sing the phone book" and "a young Kelly Clarkson" ... to get America on the Allison train. Top 12 chances? I think she'll be the Top female vote-getter.
Kris Allen is a cutie! He's take on MJ's "Man in the Mirror" started off a little rough, but once he hit his stride I really, really liked it! He's got this earnest, sweet guy vibe... kinda a male Brooke White! The judges panned the performance... what was up with Simon taking the time out in his critique to yet again praise Danny's vocal talent? Kris was my favorite of the night and the only contestant to earn my votes! Top 12 chances? He'll still get looked over for Matt G., but I'll hope for a wild card spot for him.
There was something very off-putting about Megan Corkery. I think she was going the ultra-hip route (ala Matt G.) and it fail just like his did! The judges must have heard a completely different performance than me and spent 20 minutes (okay slight exaggeration) praising the artist Megan might be... what the heck? Top 12 chances? If Matt G. doesn't get the 3rd spot I could see it going to Megan and if not... we'll see her in the wild card show.
Matt Breitzke has a better voice than Michael Sarver, but we've already filled out "all-american, roughneck, dad" quota for the season... sorry Matt. His voice sounded great on "If You Could Only See" by Tonic, but (hold onto your hats kids) Randy was actually on-point claiming it needed "more edge and energy". Matt's take was a little boring and very by the book. Top 12 chances? Like I said... I'd rather have Matt B. than Michael, but the spot already been filled... sorry dude.
Jesse Langseth has a great tone & stage presence (I'd pick her over the rest of these chicks anyday). The song choice of "Bette Davis Eye" was weird in the beginning, but totally fit by the chorus! The choice may have been too "off the path" for Idol watchers, which I think Simon hit on the head with the "too cool for school" comment. Top 12 chances? I think wild card may be her only shot!
I totally get the crooner vibe from Kai Kalama and I actually enjoyed his soulful take on "What Becomes of the Broken-hearted". The song was old-fashioned and safe... as is Kai... Top 12 chances? none....
Mishavonna Henson dropped her last name ala Mandisa and Trenyce (I already don't like her) and while her rendition of "Drops of Jupiter" by Train was pleasant enough, her voice was very forgettable and pedestrian. She doesn't have the presence to compete with the bigger personalities this season seems to be all about! Top 12 chances? She didn't make the impact needed to advance.
Of course Adam Lambert gets the "pimp spot" (my guess is Lil will get it next week) with The Rolling Stones "Satisfaction" and I just don't get it! Sure the kids got a big range, but when you're screeching your way through that range I'm just not impressed. Adam's a "love him" or "hate him" kind of performer... I'd love him on a broadway stage where that kind of singing is appropriate, but I hate him on my subtle Idol stage! It was a sleezy, manic, theartical performance... and the judges fell all over themselves for it! Randy call him "the most current contestant ever" does Randy even listen to the radio?Then he compares Adam to Robert Pattinson?!? Now I'm really lost! Top 12 chances? Adam's here for the long haul...
I'm a little bummed we didn't get a "dancing" video from the last group of 12! (Here they are in case you've forgotten them all are already!)
Lil Rounds - the "superstar"
Arianna Asfar - the "granfriend"
Kendall Beard - the "hot" blonde
Kristen McNamara - the "not hot" blonde
Felicia Barton - the replacement
Taylor Vaifanua - Jordin 2.0
Alex Wagner-Trugman - Kyle Ensley 2.0
Crybaby Nate - hello? he cries... a LOT
Junot Juyner - the "other" African American guy
Scott MacIntyre - the blind guy
Jorge Nunez - Puerto Rico!
Von Smith - the screamer
Here's hoping they're awesome... but I'm not...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The entire episode was a mess... except for Carly & Michael and Anoop being awesomely funny (if he's not back for the wildcard... I quit!)
The group sing-a-long was just plain BAD... none of these kids know how to harmonize (ya know?) or look like they even enjoy each others company! After a short break we're back and Ryan's chatting with the contestants... Jackie thinks she awesome and no one will tell her other wise, Anoop is relaxed or the most nervous he's ever been (did Ry say 'God bless you'?), Tatiana's still insane, Stevie's still confused...
-Casey joins Ryan center stage... Randy likes that she agreed with his opinion and thinks she shouldn't stay... she doesn't!
- Stephen's up next and chose to ignore the judge actual comments last night and focus on his own misguided idea of what they said... Kara doesn't think he was connected enough and he wasn't.
- Alexis Grace get's the first spot in the Top 12... she sings again and I still don't love it! She looks better tonight though... so whatevs
- Jackie (in a belt with her own name on it) & Ricky are center stage... Ryan manufactures some tension between Jackie and Simon before telling them both they're out! Poor Ricky... that kid deserved better than a shove off with camera-hog Jackie!
- Anoop & Michael are next... and Simon gets his way and Michael is through over Anoop by only 20,000 votes! That's like chump change in Idol-land! My poor little heart is broken! Michael sings again and it's still wheezy! **Silver lining... I'll get to hear an extra Anoop song! :)
**MICHAEL JOHN & CARLY SMITHSON recyle "The Letter" for last year's finale, but it still a million times better than anything we've heard during season 8!
**I miss season 7! Can we invite one of them back during each show?
- Ann Marie, Brent & Stevie are all out! We probably won't see them again... (maybe Ann Marie)
- This leaves us crazy Tatiana & "the giver of hope" Danny... the suspense is killing me... oh wait it's not, because there's no way this isn't Danny's shining moment! Just as everyone in America expected Danny rounds out the Top 3... and he's kind of a jerk about it! It takes a lot for Tatiana to actually become the victim... but Danny's got a special charm about him. Did anyone else see his buddies holding up the picture of he & his wife? for real? we get it Danny... your a widower! Plus what a perfect set-up for Danny's voice to be the last we hear from in this group until mid-March!
*Ugh, I'm annoyed by the whole thing... this is like Archie on steriods!!
So that's that.. Anoop & maybe a few others will probably be back for the Wild Card show...
Next week (Wed & Thurs) Group 2 performs!
-Adam 'Mr. theater' Lambert
-Nick 'Nurmond Gentle' Mitchell
-Matt 'piano man' Giraud
-Kris 'poorman's Matt' Allen
-Kai 'sick mom' Kalama
-Matt 'other roughneck' Breitzke
-Allison 'young one' Iraheta
-Jasmine 'nasally' Murray
-Jeanine 'who?' Vailes
-Jesse 'Simon doesn't think she's got a shot' Langseth
-Mishavonna 'I think I remember you' Henson
-Megan 'sleeve tattoo' Corkery
My guesses for the Top 12... Adam, Matt G. and Megan or Jasmine
See ya then!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
"Weak 1..."
We spend the first 20 minutes with a judge's chat where we learned... Simon's been gone for "6 months", he really likes Ryan's "new" hair, Randy & Paula will continue to be useless all seasons long and Kara's life has been changed...
The "theme" for tonight is Top 10 song from the Billboard Hot 100 (since it began)... that you can get cleared!
Jackie Tohn opens the show by jazzercising her way through "A Little Less Conversation" by Elvis Presley. It's spastic and childish and completely ridiculous... don't even get me started on the outfit! Jackie had a chance to stand out in the crowd by picking something hip and cool, but instead she "played the clown" as Simon aptly put it! Top 12 chances? None... I don't even think that'll get her a spot in the WC round.
* what is up with the ginarmous mics??? I am totally distracted!
*apparently we will be chatting with everyones family in the Red Room... I'm already annoyed!
Ricky Braddy reminds me of a Clay Aiken/Elliott Yamin hybrid! His take on Leon Russell's "A Song for You" was far and away the best vocal of the night, but Simon was right on questioning his "star potential"! If this was truly based on talent Ricky'd be the first to go through, but his lack of screen time is gonna hurt him. Top 12 chances? We better see him in the WC Round!
*We get the first claim that this is the best talent EVER (thanks Dawg, but you're way off)
Alexis Grace has a great soulful tone and that was evident on Aretha Franklin's "Never Loved A Man", but I just don't buy her in today's music. Plus I hate her style... she looks like a little girl playing dress up! Kara must have drank some of Paula's crazy juice... "the genie is out of the bottle with you"? what does that even mean? All that said she was by far the best girl of the night! Top 12 chances? She's in... hello Simon gave her the Kelly Clarkson comparison!
Brent Keith was completely forgettable. His choice of "Hickstown" by Jason Aldean was all wrong. The song limited his range and he came off as trying way too hard! Top 12 chances? It's back to the farm for you buddy.
Oh heavens... I didn't think it was possible for anyone to sing a Taylor Swift song worse than Taylor Swift... Stevie Wright proved me wrong! Her rendition of "You Belong With Me" was painful to sit through! She, again, pick this breathy, airy song that didn't suit her voice! I could maybe blame a little bit of it on her nerves... but wow! On a positive note... she looked super cute! Top 12 chances? Not even a little bit.
Anoop Desai made a interesting choice with Monica's "Angel of Mine" and I liked it, but I've definitely heard him sing it better! He had some pitch issues, but they were mainly gelling with the back-up singers (word on the street is that during rehearsals Anoop had to run his song 4 or 5 times because the band kept messing up) I agree with Paula's comparison to Brian McKnight, but totally didn't get Simon calling the song old fashioned and claiming no one knew it (came out in like '96 and was sung by a 17 year old girl... every kid in their mid 20's knows this song) or Kara saying he wasn't capable! Anoop definitely has the likeability thing going for him. Top 12 chances? The 3rd spot will either go to Anoop or Michael Sarver and the other will get a WC pick for the 12... 98% certain!
*where were the back-up singers? and Ricky Minor & the band? weird...
Casey Carlson's attempt at sexy with The Police's "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" just came off as AWKWARD and campy! With the wink, the posing... oh yeah and the bad sing... wowsers! I'd say I have no idea how she got here, but that would be a lie. Top 12 chances? 7 of the remaining 11 girls would have too become violently ill for the next 4 months and even then they might attempt to bring back someone from the Top 50!!
*Watching Casey's mom continue to prop her up after that... made me very thankful for a family that tells it like it is!
Michael Sarver's cheap imitation of "I Don't Wanna Be" by Gavin Degraw would have sealed his fate to the WC round until Simon (in complete un-Simon like fashion) pander for his vote...what up with that? Simon thinks he "needs a break"... is that what this show is about now? Giving mediocre singers a break? I think Michael should go more the country/soul route (a la Keith Urban)... he's got the voice and look for it. Top 12 chances? Simon may have finagled Michael the 3rd spot over Anoop, but if he didn't? prepare to see Michael in the WC round.
Ann Marie Boskovich wins the prize for most bizarre song choice of the evening. "Natural Woman"? Seriously? She complete missed the boat choosing a song that limited her range and made no sense for her musically. She reminds me of Kat McPhee without the slightly interesting personality! Kara was on the right track suggesting "Love Song"... Ann Marie has a pleasant enough voice, but might have blown her chances with a stupid song choice. Top 12 chances? Alexis sang better last night and will almost definitely get the girl spot over Ann Marie, but I could definitely see her coming back for the WC round.
Stephen Fowler road the Brandon Rogers train right unto the ground with his uninspired take on MJ's "Rock With You". For realz Stephen B-Rod can tell you songs like that get you no where in the semis! Plus the back-up singers were way off! Top 12 chances? None, he could maybe sorta possibly get a shot at the WC.
Tatiana del Toro 100% belongs on Broadway! Her cabaret take on Whitney Houston's "Saving All My Love for You" proves it. She actually got a pretty good voice and could be any crazy character she wants to on stage! The "demeur" Tatitana was creeping me out! Top 12 chances? With the way the rest of the girls performed... she could sneak in or at least gain a WC spot out of it.
Of course, Danny Gorkey, gets the pimp spot! He put the "brooke white" spin on Mariah Carey's "Hero" and it was good... not great, not phenomenal, not "OMG I'm falling out of my chair" spectacular like the 3 diddlies made it out to be! I like the "Lord knows..." note, but still don't get the Danny-hype! I found it interesting that he was one of the only contestants with no crappy background singer! He will be this year's Archuleta... with he squeaky clean image, his message songs and totally judges support! Top 12 chances? Hello? Danny's going all the way... apparently!
Top vote getters... Danny Gokey & Alexis Grace
3rd vote getter... it has to go to either Anoop, Michael or Tatiana (gasp!!!)
My heart is telling me it's gotta be Anoop, but my mind is preparing me for Michael Sarver to take his spot!
If the Captain of the Dawg Pound is to be believe... and this is the best talent EVER? Idol should just pack it up now and go home! But I, for one, will not be swayed by these silly judges... and can only help the next two weeks get better!
Check you tomorrow with the results... a MJ & Carly duet... and maybe a fun group number?? (I always love those!
Friday, February 13, 2009
"Dreams really do come true... at DisneyWorld!"
At a VIP event for the new "American Idol Experience" attraction at Disney World some one had the genius idea for Carrie & David to duet on Fleetwood Mac's "Go Your Own Way"... flippin' incredible!
Watch and see!
If these two ever toured together... oh golly gee... my heart might explode!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
"The Chosen... Few?"
I'm going to start with the 1st Group and do the other 24 tomorrow!
Let's get to it... shall we?

So which girl will make it through? I think Jackie or Anne Marie have the greatest chance with Alexis as a close third. I could definitely see the two that don't make it coming back for the Wild Card Round.

So which guys do I think will make it through? Danny or Anoop with get the highest votes... I'm like 99% sure on that one and the the other will take the "3rd" spot!
My choices to make it through from this group: Anoop, Anne Marie & Danny
I'll be back tomorrow to talk about the Rest of the Best... see ya then!
ETA: Oops... forgot to slip in the lastest DRAMA... looks like Joanna Pacitti and her inability to remember the lyrics are OUT and a relative unknown Felicia Barton is in... check back tomorrow to learn more about Felicia!