**What in the crap has happened to my beloved American Idol? This just might be the worst season of Idol EVER!!! (Somewhere the contestant of Season 6 are celebrating!) I really though after last year Idol had turned this hip, little corner! They'd had a few set back in Season 5 & 6... but had finally hit a stride of RELEVANCE with season 7! But here we are... back to pure karaoke crappiness! I'm about ready to abandon ship!**
Group 2 wasn't really any better than Group 1 and from the looks of Group 3... I'd say we're in for more crappy singing! A few random thoughts before diving into a spectacular evening with Idol... I really like dressed down Ryan and Randy's glasses, the opt out of "family time" was much appreciated and what was up with the extra chattiness from the contestants tonight... not a big fan of the back talk!
And here we go...
Jasmine Murray can't go into her upper register without involving her nasal passages! I thought her take on Sara Bariellis' "Love Song" got a little better as it went along, but no where near Top 12 level. Overall it did seem to be par for the course as the night went along. Give her a few years and some corrective singing lessons and she could have had a shot in one of Diddy's "Ultimate Girl Groups". Top 12 chances? She blew it...
Matt Giruad tried to be hip with "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay and it just didn't pan out for him. He tried to do too much with the song making the phrasing weird and off-putting. The judges called him on the bad song choice, but put forth the "remember Hollywood" mantra that will probably still earn Matt a spot in their top 12. I think Matt is definitely more of a Dave Matthews than a Chris Martin... plus Chris Martin is just crappy! Top 12 chances? Matt might sneak in this week... he's got the fan base! If not... he's definitely a wild card pick!
I think Jeanine Vailes was better off as the chick no one knew! Seriously... "This Love" by Maroon 5? was she confused about the point of this competition? Her pitch, tone, tempo... all off... all a mess! It was bad... Top 12 chances? She didn't have any to begin with... but this really didn't help her cause at ALL.
Nick/Normund... what can you say? The guy's entertaining, but for all the wrong reasons in Idol-land! He had one or two good notes in his rendition of "And I'm Telling You..", but it's not good when your entertainment is upstaged by a one liner from Seacrest... "first person to ever get to 2nd base with our logo"... now that's comedy! Top 12 chances? Not really likely at all, but maybe they'll bring him back for some wild card fun...
Allison Iraheta's chat with Ryan was as annoying as all get out and she chose to sing "Alone" by Heart... she's got a pretty decent voice, but makes weird facial expressions while she sings. The song was great for her voice, but might have been a little big for her range. The judges throw out the patented subliminal messages... "only 16!!", "you could sing the phone book" and "a young Kelly Clarkson" ... to get America on the Allison train. Top 12 chances? I think she'll be the Top female vote-getter.
Kris Allen is a cutie! He's take on MJ's "Man in the Mirror" started off a little rough, but once he hit his stride I really, really liked it! He's got this earnest, sweet guy vibe... kinda a male Brooke White! The judges panned the performance... what was up with Simon taking the time out in his critique to yet again praise Danny's vocal talent? Kris was my favorite of the night and the only contestant to earn my votes! Top 12 chances? He'll still get looked over for Matt G., but I'll hope for a wild card spot for him.
There was something very off-putting about Megan Corkery. I think she was going the ultra-hip route (ala Matt G.) and it fail just like his did! The judges must have heard a completely different performance than me and spent 20 minutes (okay slight exaggeration) praising the artist Megan might be... what the heck? Top 12 chances? If Matt G. doesn't get the 3rd spot I could see it going to Megan and if not... we'll see her in the wild card show.
Matt Breitzke has a better voice than Michael Sarver, but we've already filled out "all-american, roughneck, dad" quota for the season... sorry Matt. His voice sounded great on "If You Could Only See" by Tonic, but (hold onto your hats kids) Randy was actually on-point claiming it needed "more edge and energy". Matt's take was a little boring and very by the book. Top 12 chances? Like I said... I'd rather have Matt B. than Michael, but the spot already been filled... sorry dude.
Jesse Langseth has a great tone & stage presence (I'd pick her over the rest of these chicks anyday). The song choice of "Bette Davis Eye" was weird in the beginning, but totally fit by the chorus! The choice may have been too "off the path" for Idol watchers, which I think Simon hit on the head with the "too cool for school" comment. Top 12 chances? I think wild card may be her only shot!
I totally get the crooner vibe from Kai Kalama and I actually enjoyed his soulful take on "What Becomes of the Broken-hearted". The song was old-fashioned and safe... as is Kai... Top 12 chances? none....
Mishavonna Henson dropped her last name ala Mandisa and Trenyce (I already don't like her) and while her rendition of "Drops of Jupiter" by Train was pleasant enough, her voice was very forgettable and pedestrian. She doesn't have the presence to compete with the bigger personalities this season seems to be all about! Top 12 chances? She didn't make the impact needed to advance.
Of course Adam Lambert gets the "pimp spot" (my guess is Lil will get it next week) with The Rolling Stones "Satisfaction" and I just don't get it! Sure the kids got a big range, but when you're screeching your way through that range I'm just not impressed. Adam's a "love him" or "hate him" kind of performer... I'd love him on a broadway stage where that kind of singing is appropriate, but I hate him on my subtle Idol stage! It was a sleezy, manic, theartical performance... and the judges fell all over themselves for it! Randy call him "the most current contestant ever" does Randy even listen to the radio?Then he compares Adam to Robert Pattinson?!? Now I'm really lost! Top 12 chances? Adam's here for the long haul...
I'm a little bummed we didn't get a "dancing" video from the last group of 12! (Here they are in case you've forgotten them all are already!)
Lil Rounds - the "superstar"
Arianna Asfar - the "granfriend"
Kendall Beard - the "hot" blonde
Kristen McNamara - the "not hot" blonde
Felicia Barton - the replacement
Taylor Vaifanua - Jordin 2.0
Alex Wagner-Trugman - Kyle Ensley 2.0
Crybaby Nate - hello? he cries... a LOT
Junot Juyner - the "other" African American guy
Scott MacIntyre - the blind guy
Jorge Nunez - Puerto Rico!
Von Smith - the screamer
Here's hoping they're awesome... but I'm not...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
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