Thursday, February 19, 2009


So 24 million people voted last night and I'll say about 20,000 of them got it wrong...

The entire episode was a mess... except for Carly & Michael and Anoop being awesomely funny (if he's not back for the wildcard... I quit!)

The group sing-a-long was just plain BAD... none of these kids know how to harmonize (ya know?) or look like they even enjoy each others company! After a short break we're back and Ryan's chatting with the contestants... Jackie thinks she awesome and no one will tell her other wise, Anoop is relaxed or the most nervous he's ever been (did Ry say 'God bless you'?), Tatiana's still insane, Stevie's still confused...

-Casey joins Ryan center stage... Randy likes that she agreed with his opinion and thinks she shouldn't stay... she doesn't!
- Stephen's up next and chose to ignore the judge actual comments last night and focus on his own misguided idea of what they said... Kara doesn't think he was connected enough and he wasn't.
- Alexis Grace get's the first spot in the Top 12... she sings again and I still don't love it! She looks better tonight though... so whatevs
- Jackie (in a belt with her own name on it) & Ricky are center stage... Ryan manufactures some tension between Jackie and Simon before telling them both they're out! Poor Ricky... that kid deserved better than a shove off with camera-hog Jackie!
- Anoop & Michael are next... and Simon gets his way and Michael is through over Anoop by only 20,000 votes! That's like chump change in Idol-land! My poor little heart is broken! Michael sings again and it's still wheezy! **Silver lining... I'll get to hear an extra Anoop song! :)
**MICHAEL JOHN & CARLY SMITHSON recyle "The Letter" for last year's finale, but it still a million times better than anything we've heard during season 8!
**I miss season 7! Can we invite one of them back during each show?
- Ann Marie, Brent & Stevie are all out! We probably won't see them again... (maybe Ann Marie)
- This leaves us crazy Tatiana & "the giver of hope" Danny... the suspense is killing me... oh wait it's not, because there's no way this isn't Danny's shining moment! Just as everyone in America expected Danny rounds out the Top 3... and he's kind of a jerk about it! It takes a lot for Tatiana to actually become the victim... but Danny's got a special charm about him. Did anyone else see his buddies holding up the picture of he & his wife? for real? we get it Danny... your a widower! Plus what a perfect set-up for Danny's voice to be the last we hear from in this group until mid-March!

*Ugh, I'm annoyed by the whole thing... this is like Archie on steriods!!

So that's that.. Anoop & maybe a few others will probably be back for the Wild Card show...

Next week (Wed & Thurs) Group 2 performs!
-Adam 'Mr. theater' Lambert
-Nick 'Nurmond Gentle' Mitchell
-Matt 'piano man' Giraud
-Kris 'poorman's Matt' Allen
-Kai 'sick mom' Kalama
-Matt 'other roughneck' Breitzke
-Allison 'young one' Iraheta
-Jasmine 'nasally' Murray
-Jeanine 'who?' Vailes
-Jesse 'Simon doesn't think she's got a shot' Langseth
-Mishavonna 'I think I remember you' Henson
-Megan 'sleeve tattoo' Corkery
My guesses for the Top 12... Adam, Matt G. and Megan or Jasmine

See ya then!

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