Friday, February 27, 2009
"Way to go Castro..."
It seems Idol is taking my suggestion to bring back the awesomeness that was Season 7!
We've had Michael & Carly, then Brooke... who could be next?
Word on the "street" is Jason Castro will be back to perform an ORIGINAL song on Group 3's results show... March 4th to be exact! Set your DVRs and such!!!!
It's only a matter of time before Archuleta & Cook make an appearance... right? Hopefully they can fit us in to their busy schedules before the finale :-)
"The Man in the Mirror..."
Okay.. on to the recap!
Ryan starts the show by asking... "What have YOU done?" essentially blaming us for crushing the hopes and dreams of 9 contestants... gee, Seascrest! There were 25 million votes cast and I take credit for 150 of them (it would seem my vote is pretty inconsequential). Alexis, Michael and Danny are paraded once again across our screen and I think I've decided they are already my least favs of the Top 12...
The Group song this week is "Closer" by Neyo and the kids sound pretty "kick awesome" (tm CutieKris) together... especially the guys! They're also totally groovin' out and I love it! Anyone else notice Nick is so not a fan of the group sing... he wasn't even singing half the time! Ps. Kai shirt is stellar... the new tuxedo shirt!
We come back from the first commerical to Contestant Chat where we learn... Nick's still funny, Matt B's still learning, Jesse's still mouthy and Jeanine think less is more especially in shorts.
Ryan calls out the first group of Allison, Jesse and Matt B. -- yada yada yada... Matt & Simon might get into a fist fight... Allison is the through and the others are sent packin'! Allison sings "Alone" again and I hit fast forward, but not before we're remind again just how young Allison is... 16!!!!
Back from break # 2 Ryan pulls down Kris and Megan then Matt G. and Jeanine. Ryan makes the mistake of asking Paula's opinion... her response "Matt, Kris or Megan... oh yeah, and Simon's a gnat?" (crazy lady). Kara steps in to drone on about nothing and Simon calls her on it... she gets defensive and Ryan cuts her off... good times! After a whole lot of nothing (plus the dismissal of Matt G. & Jeanine) Ryan finally gives Megan her walking papers and Kris is through to the Top 12 (are Paula & Simon high-fiving in the background? what up with that)
Aw.. he's generally shocked and so happy... it's cute and contagious! He sings again... and I still dig it! He's so sweet and unassuming... I like him! He's like Jason Castro & Brooke White rolled in to one person!
Ps. check out his youtube awesomeness!
After yet another commerical we get to re-see the 'Idol Retrospective' ... and I certainly don't mind a chance to see David Cook cry again! Plus... hello Idol Season 7 alum, Brooke White... welcome back! She tell the kids "don't Google your name" and goes right into her new single "Hold Up My Heart"... it's 100% Brooke! A little sweet, a little cheesy... I like it!
We're back from break 457... Mishavonna, Kai & Jasmine are all out. Leaving Nick or Adam... and of course it's Adam! DUH! I fast forward again, but still have to see Adam and his weird tongue thing... yuck!
We close out the show with Group 3's dorky dancing! It's cute and fun... it's ALEX! Next week should definitely be interesting... wide open for the guys & third spot!
WC round is also next week! I'm expecting to see... Anoop, Matt G., Megan, Ricky and Jesse... but I think the first 3 will get the Wild Card picks!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
"Weak 2..."
Group 2 wasn't really any better than Group 1 and from the looks of Group 3... I'd say we're in for more crappy singing! A few random thoughts before diving into a spectacular evening with Idol... I really like dressed down Ryan and Randy's glasses, the opt out of "family time" was much appreciated and what was up with the extra chattiness from the contestants tonight... not a big fan of the back talk!
And here we go...
Jasmine Murray can't go into her upper register without involving her nasal passages! I thought her take on Sara Bariellis' "Love Song" got a little better as it went along, but no where near Top 12 level. Overall it did seem to be par for the course as the night went along. Give her a few years and some corrective singing lessons and she could have had a shot in one of Diddy's "Ultimate Girl Groups". Top 12 chances? She blew it...
Matt Giruad tried to be hip with "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay and it just didn't pan out for him. He tried to do too much with the song making the phrasing weird and off-putting. The judges called him on the bad song choice, but put forth the "remember Hollywood" mantra that will probably still earn Matt a spot in their top 12. I think Matt is definitely more of a Dave Matthews than a Chris Martin... plus Chris Martin is just crappy! Top 12 chances? Matt might sneak in this week... he's got the fan base! If not... he's definitely a wild card pick!
I think Jeanine Vailes was better off as the chick no one knew! Seriously... "This Love" by Maroon 5? was she confused about the point of this competition? Her pitch, tone, tempo... all off... all a mess! It was bad... Top 12 chances? She didn't have any to begin with... but this really didn't help her cause at ALL.
Nick/Normund... what can you say? The guy's entertaining, but for all the wrong reasons in Idol-land! He had one or two good notes in his rendition of "And I'm Telling You..", but it's not good when your entertainment is upstaged by a one liner from Seacrest... "first person to ever get to 2nd base with our logo"... now that's comedy! Top 12 chances? Not really likely at all, but maybe they'll bring him back for some wild card fun...
Allison Iraheta's chat with Ryan was as annoying as all get out and she chose to sing "Alone" by Heart... she's got a pretty decent voice, but makes weird facial expressions while she sings. The song was great for her voice, but might have been a little big for her range. The judges throw out the patented subliminal messages... "only 16!!", "you could sing the phone book" and "a young Kelly Clarkson" ... to get America on the Allison train. Top 12 chances? I think she'll be the Top female vote-getter.
Kris Allen is a cutie! He's take on MJ's "Man in the Mirror" started off a little rough, but once he hit his stride I really, really liked it! He's got this earnest, sweet guy vibe... kinda a male Brooke White! The judges panned the performance... what was up with Simon taking the time out in his critique to yet again praise Danny's vocal talent? Kris was my favorite of the night and the only contestant to earn my votes! Top 12 chances? He'll still get looked over for Matt G., but I'll hope for a wild card spot for him.
There was something very off-putting about Megan Corkery. I think she was going the ultra-hip route (ala Matt G.) and it fail just like his did! The judges must have heard a completely different performance than me and spent 20 minutes (okay slight exaggeration) praising the artist Megan might be... what the heck? Top 12 chances? If Matt G. doesn't get the 3rd spot I could see it going to Megan and if not... we'll see her in the wild card show.
Matt Breitzke has a better voice than Michael Sarver, but we've already filled out "all-american, roughneck, dad" quota for the season... sorry Matt. His voice sounded great on "If You Could Only See" by Tonic, but (hold onto your hats kids) Randy was actually on-point claiming it needed "more edge and energy". Matt's take was a little boring and very by the book. Top 12 chances? Like I said... I'd rather have Matt B. than Michael, but the spot already been filled... sorry dude.
Jesse Langseth has a great tone & stage presence (I'd pick her over the rest of these chicks anyday). The song choice of "Bette Davis Eye" was weird in the beginning, but totally fit by the chorus! The choice may have been too "off the path" for Idol watchers, which I think Simon hit on the head with the "too cool for school" comment. Top 12 chances? I think wild card may be her only shot!
I totally get the crooner vibe from Kai Kalama and I actually enjoyed his soulful take on "What Becomes of the Broken-hearted". The song was old-fashioned and safe... as is Kai... Top 12 chances? none....
Mishavonna Henson dropped her last name ala Mandisa and Trenyce (I already don't like her) and while her rendition of "Drops of Jupiter" by Train was pleasant enough, her voice was very forgettable and pedestrian. She doesn't have the presence to compete with the bigger personalities this season seems to be all about! Top 12 chances? She didn't make the impact needed to advance.
Of course Adam Lambert gets the "pimp spot" (my guess is Lil will get it next week) with The Rolling Stones "Satisfaction" and I just don't get it! Sure the kids got a big range, but when you're screeching your way through that range I'm just not impressed. Adam's a "love him" or "hate him" kind of performer... I'd love him on a broadway stage where that kind of singing is appropriate, but I hate him on my subtle Idol stage! It was a sleezy, manic, theartical performance... and the judges fell all over themselves for it! Randy call him "the most current contestant ever" does Randy even listen to the radio?Then he compares Adam to Robert Pattinson?!? Now I'm really lost! Top 12 chances? Adam's here for the long haul...
I'm a little bummed we didn't get a "dancing" video from the last group of 12! (Here they are in case you've forgotten them all are already!)
Lil Rounds - the "superstar"
Arianna Asfar - the "granfriend"
Kendall Beard - the "hot" blonde
Kristen McNamara - the "not hot" blonde
Felicia Barton - the replacement
Taylor Vaifanua - Jordin 2.0
Alex Wagner-Trugman - Kyle Ensley 2.0
Crybaby Nate - hello? he cries... a LOT
Junot Juyner - the "other" African American guy
Scott MacIntyre - the blind guy
Jorge Nunez - Puerto Rico!
Von Smith - the screamer
Here's hoping they're awesome... but I'm not...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The entire episode was a mess... except for Carly & Michael and Anoop being awesomely funny (if he's not back for the wildcard... I quit!)
The group sing-a-long was just plain BAD... none of these kids know how to harmonize (ya know?) or look like they even enjoy each others company! After a short break we're back and Ryan's chatting with the contestants... Jackie thinks she awesome and no one will tell her other wise, Anoop is relaxed or the most nervous he's ever been (did Ry say 'God bless you'?), Tatiana's still insane, Stevie's still confused...
-Casey joins Ryan center stage... Randy likes that she agreed with his opinion and thinks she shouldn't stay... she doesn't!
- Stephen's up next and chose to ignore the judge actual comments last night and focus on his own misguided idea of what they said... Kara doesn't think he was connected enough and he wasn't.
- Alexis Grace get's the first spot in the Top 12... she sings again and I still don't love it! She looks better tonight though... so whatevs
- Jackie (in a belt with her own name on it) & Ricky are center stage... Ryan manufactures some tension between Jackie and Simon before telling them both they're out! Poor Ricky... that kid deserved better than a shove off with camera-hog Jackie!
- Anoop & Michael are next... and Simon gets his way and Michael is through over Anoop by only 20,000 votes! That's like chump change in Idol-land! My poor little heart is broken! Michael sings again and it's still wheezy! **Silver lining... I'll get to hear an extra Anoop song! :)
**MICHAEL JOHN & CARLY SMITHSON recyle "The Letter" for last year's finale, but it still a million times better than anything we've heard during season 8!
**I miss season 7! Can we invite one of them back during each show?
- Ann Marie, Brent & Stevie are all out! We probably won't see them again... (maybe Ann Marie)
- This leaves us crazy Tatiana & "the giver of hope" Danny... the suspense is killing me... oh wait it's not, because there's no way this isn't Danny's shining moment! Just as everyone in America expected Danny rounds out the Top 3... and he's kind of a jerk about it! It takes a lot for Tatiana to actually become the victim... but Danny's got a special charm about him. Did anyone else see his buddies holding up the picture of he & his wife? for real? we get it Danny... your a widower! Plus what a perfect set-up for Danny's voice to be the last we hear from in this group until mid-March!
*Ugh, I'm annoyed by the whole thing... this is like Archie on steriods!!
So that's that.. Anoop & maybe a few others will probably be back for the Wild Card show...
Next week (Wed & Thurs) Group 2 performs!
-Adam 'Mr. theater' Lambert
-Nick 'Nurmond Gentle' Mitchell
-Matt 'piano man' Giraud
-Kris 'poorman's Matt' Allen
-Kai 'sick mom' Kalama
-Matt 'other roughneck' Breitzke
-Allison 'young one' Iraheta
-Jasmine 'nasally' Murray
-Jeanine 'who?' Vailes
-Jesse 'Simon doesn't think she's got a shot' Langseth
-Mishavonna 'I think I remember you' Henson
-Megan 'sleeve tattoo' Corkery
My guesses for the Top 12... Adam, Matt G. and Megan or Jasmine
See ya then!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
"Weak 1..."
We spend the first 20 minutes with a judge's chat where we learned... Simon's been gone for "6 months", he really likes Ryan's "new" hair, Randy & Paula will continue to be useless all seasons long and Kara's life has been changed...
The "theme" for tonight is Top 10 song from the Billboard Hot 100 (since it began)... that you can get cleared!
Jackie Tohn opens the show by jazzercising her way through "A Little Less Conversation" by Elvis Presley. It's spastic and childish and completely ridiculous... don't even get me started on the outfit! Jackie had a chance to stand out in the crowd by picking something hip and cool, but instead she "played the clown" as Simon aptly put it! Top 12 chances? None... I don't even think that'll get her a spot in the WC round.
* what is up with the ginarmous mics??? I am totally distracted!
*apparently we will be chatting with everyones family in the Red Room... I'm already annoyed!
Ricky Braddy reminds me of a Clay Aiken/Elliott Yamin hybrid! His take on Leon Russell's "A Song for You" was far and away the best vocal of the night, but Simon was right on questioning his "star potential"! If this was truly based on talent Ricky'd be the first to go through, but his lack of screen time is gonna hurt him. Top 12 chances? We better see him in the WC Round!
*We get the first claim that this is the best talent EVER (thanks Dawg, but you're way off)
Alexis Grace has a great soulful tone and that was evident on Aretha Franklin's "Never Loved A Man", but I just don't buy her in today's music. Plus I hate her style... she looks like a little girl playing dress up! Kara must have drank some of Paula's crazy juice... "the genie is out of the bottle with you"? what does that even mean? All that said she was by far the best girl of the night! Top 12 chances? She's in... hello Simon gave her the Kelly Clarkson comparison!
Brent Keith was completely forgettable. His choice of "Hickstown" by Jason Aldean was all wrong. The song limited his range and he came off as trying way too hard! Top 12 chances? It's back to the farm for you buddy.
Oh heavens... I didn't think it was possible for anyone to sing a Taylor Swift song worse than Taylor Swift... Stevie Wright proved me wrong! Her rendition of "You Belong With Me" was painful to sit through! She, again, pick this breathy, airy song that didn't suit her voice! I could maybe blame a little bit of it on her nerves... but wow! On a positive note... she looked super cute! Top 12 chances? Not even a little bit.
Anoop Desai made a interesting choice with Monica's "Angel of Mine" and I liked it, but I've definitely heard him sing it better! He had some pitch issues, but they were mainly gelling with the back-up singers (word on the street is that during rehearsals Anoop had to run his song 4 or 5 times because the band kept messing up) I agree with Paula's comparison to Brian McKnight, but totally didn't get Simon calling the song old fashioned and claiming no one knew it (came out in like '96 and was sung by a 17 year old girl... every kid in their mid 20's knows this song) or Kara saying he wasn't capable! Anoop definitely has the likeability thing going for him. Top 12 chances? The 3rd spot will either go to Anoop or Michael Sarver and the other will get a WC pick for the 12... 98% certain!
*where were the back-up singers? and Ricky Minor & the band? weird...
Casey Carlson's attempt at sexy with The Police's "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" just came off as AWKWARD and campy! With the wink, the posing... oh yeah and the bad sing... wowsers! I'd say I have no idea how she got here, but that would be a lie. Top 12 chances? 7 of the remaining 11 girls would have too become violently ill for the next 4 months and even then they might attempt to bring back someone from the Top 50!!
*Watching Casey's mom continue to prop her up after that... made me very thankful for a family that tells it like it is!
Michael Sarver's cheap imitation of "I Don't Wanna Be" by Gavin Degraw would have sealed his fate to the WC round until Simon (in complete un-Simon like fashion) pander for his vote...what up with that? Simon thinks he "needs a break"... is that what this show is about now? Giving mediocre singers a break? I think Michael should go more the country/soul route (a la Keith Urban)... he's got the voice and look for it. Top 12 chances? Simon may have finagled Michael the 3rd spot over Anoop, but if he didn't? prepare to see Michael in the WC round.
Ann Marie Boskovich wins the prize for most bizarre song choice of the evening. "Natural Woman"? Seriously? She complete missed the boat choosing a song that limited her range and made no sense for her musically. She reminds me of Kat McPhee without the slightly interesting personality! Kara was on the right track suggesting "Love Song"... Ann Marie has a pleasant enough voice, but might have blown her chances with a stupid song choice. Top 12 chances? Alexis sang better last night and will almost definitely get the girl spot over Ann Marie, but I could definitely see her coming back for the WC round.
Stephen Fowler road the Brandon Rogers train right unto the ground with his uninspired take on MJ's "Rock With You". For realz Stephen B-Rod can tell you songs like that get you no where in the semis! Plus the back-up singers were way off! Top 12 chances? None, he could maybe sorta possibly get a shot at the WC.
Tatiana del Toro 100% belongs on Broadway! Her cabaret take on Whitney Houston's "Saving All My Love for You" proves it. She actually got a pretty good voice and could be any crazy character she wants to on stage! The "demeur" Tatitana was creeping me out! Top 12 chances? With the way the rest of the girls performed... she could sneak in or at least gain a WC spot out of it.
Of course, Danny Gorkey, gets the pimp spot! He put the "brooke white" spin on Mariah Carey's "Hero" and it was good... not great, not phenomenal, not "OMG I'm falling out of my chair" spectacular like the 3 diddlies made it out to be! I like the "Lord knows..." note, but still don't get the Danny-hype! I found it interesting that he was one of the only contestants with no crappy background singer! He will be this year's Archuleta... with he squeaky clean image, his message songs and totally judges support! Top 12 chances? Hello? Danny's going all the way... apparently!
Top vote getters... Danny Gokey & Alexis Grace
3rd vote getter... it has to go to either Anoop, Michael or Tatiana (gasp!!!)
My heart is telling me it's gotta be Anoop, but my mind is preparing me for Michael Sarver to take his spot!
If the Captain of the Dawg Pound is to be believe... and this is the best talent EVER? Idol should just pack it up now and go home! But I, for one, will not be swayed by these silly judges... and can only help the next two weeks get better!
Check you tomorrow with the results... a MJ & Carly duet... and maybe a fun group number?? (I always love those!
Friday, February 13, 2009
"Dreams really do come true... at DisneyWorld!"
At a VIP event for the new "American Idol Experience" attraction at Disney World some one had the genius idea for Carrie & David to duet on Fleetwood Mac's "Go Your Own Way"... flippin' incredible!
Watch and see!
If these two ever toured together... oh golly gee... my heart might explode!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
"The Chosen... Few?"
I'm going to start with the 1st Group and do the other 24 tomorrow!
Let's get to it... shall we?

So which girl will make it through? I think Jackie or Anne Marie have the greatest chance with Alexis as a close third. I could definitely see the two that don't make it coming back for the Wild Card Round.

So which guys do I think will make it through? Danny or Anoop with get the highest votes... I'm like 99% sure on that one and the the other will take the "3rd" spot!
My choices to make it through from this group: Anoop, Anne Marie & Danny
I'll be back tomorrow to talk about the Rest of the Best... see ya then!
ETA: Oops... forgot to slip in the lastest DRAMA... looks like Joanna Pacitti and her inability to remember the lyrics are OUT and a relative unknown Felicia Barton is in... check back tomorrow to learn more about Felicia!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
*There have been some questions regarding a Top 36 versus the Top 24 of years past. The first three season of Idol involved this year's "new" format.
Season 1 - Top 30, with 3 groups of 10; Season 2 & 3 - Top 32, with 4 groups of 8. Each of these seasons also had a wildcard show. In Season 1 the judges picked the final contestant to make of the Top 10; while in Seasons 2 & 3 the judges picked 3 of the final contestants and America was given the final choice to complete the Top 12.
This season will be following Season 1 the closest. The Top 36 will be divided into 3 groups of 12 to perform, then the top MALE vote-getter, the top FEMALE vote-getter and the 3RD highest vote-getter (regardless of gender) will move on to the Top 12. There will be a wildcard show held and the judges will pick the remaining 3 contestant to finish out "our" Top 12. A lesson in American Idol history :)
On to last night's actual show... so the "around 75 contestants" Ryan quoted to us last week is actually 72 who will be competing for a spot in the Top 50, then their widdled down to the Top 36... got it? Pretty much 22 kids went home last night and another 14 go home tonight! The kids will be performing with the band & back-up singers and can finally bring out the INSTRUMENTS (although we didn't see too many)
The contestants will be put into four different rooms (and if you even remotely good at math you'll realize only 1 of those rooms isn't going to turn out so lucky!)
Adam Lambert is first out of the gate tonight and apparently he's on the show because he wants to... be david cook (and a less awesome version of him to boot) He plans to wow us all with his spin on "Believe" by Cher... it just sounds whiny and shrill to me! I think Adam needs to tone it down a bit! Top 12 potential? Shoe-in
We get the first taste of an instrument with Matt Giraud and the dude is awesome (at playing the piano), but I actually didn't think his voice was as strong as it was during group day... it is strongly plausible that his penchant for vocal runs is really turning me off. Top 12 potential? I'd say pretty strong
BFFs Jamar Rogers and Danny Gokey are up next. Jamar sucks it up with the Plain White T's "Hey There Deliah"... sorry, but I'm so not this kid's biggest fan. Danny, the singer... awesome; Danny, the person... kinda bugs me! Top 12 potential? Danny's got nothing to worry about! Jamar on the other hand might be in a world of hurt while his BFFs off being famous without him.
Anoop Desai is nerd/cool personified! His rendition of "My Perrogitive" by Bobby Brown was stellar and I can't wait to see him bring some old school R&B to the Idol Stage! I just have one request... more Noop Dawg please? Top 12 potential? If he's not there... maybe I'm not there (how you feel about that idol?)
Jorge Nunez and Scott MacIntyre both showed a little contempary style with Neyo's "Closer" and Daughtry's "Home". Top 12 potential? I just don't know if either has the charisma to take them that far... we shall see
Carrie Underwood just shouldn't be messed with... example #1 Kendall Beard warbling her way through "Before He Cheats". Top 12 potential? She's our token country chick
Stevie Wright pick a terrible song for her voice. Colbie Calliat's "Bubbly" is such a breathy, airy song... Stevie voice is more suited for the richer tones. Top 12 potential? Performances like that aren't gonna stand out among 11 other people. She's got to pick the right song!
Lil Rounds does absolutely nothing for me, but the judges seem to love her as does Ryan (or at least the guy who writes his cue cards) Top 12 potential? Shoe-in
I'm interested to hear more from Kristen McNamara. Her attempt at Kelly's "Because of You" was more hollering than singing, but maybe with the right song? Top 12 potential? Kinda like Stevie... without the perfect song choice in the semis Kristen could fall through the cracks.
Mishavonna Henson is just another girl with a raspy voice this season! Her take on Michael Buble's "Everything" was pleasant, but slightly pedestrian. Top 12 potential? Cannon Fodder... sometimes I think they put kids through just so they can't come back anymore (harsh? maybe? true? probably)
I don't care what Tatiana del Toro is singing I just want to knock her upside the head! The sad thing is her voice isn't terrible she's just annoying as all get out! Top 12 potential? There no way... no way... right?
Alexis Grace becomes example #2 of why we should steer clear of Carrie! I meant she wasn't too shabby, but that's a sing your butt off kind of song... Top 12 potential? She gonna need the perfect song choice and a group that's not over run with the "Raspers".
The only thing interesting about Kenny Hoffpauer's was his twist on Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours"... the singing was pretty forgettable. Top 12 potential? Not a chance
Jasmine Murray does a crap job on Jordin's "Tattoo", once again the complete wrong song for her voice. Top 12 potenial? I could see her being one of the Judges choices.
Crybaby Nate is still way too much to handle, but his acoustic take on Rhianna's "Disturbia" was kinda cool and he play the guitar. Top 12 potential? If Danny didn't make it... why should 2.0?
Joanna Pacitti can sure hum with the best of them, but the look of sheer panic in her eyes almost made me feel for her. Top 12 potential? If you forget nearly every word to your song and still make it to the next round... you might just be a Judge's pick.
Apparently "Tattoo" by Jordin Sparks is a hard song to remember... or Casey Carlsen just isn't very good... you decide! Top 12 potential? A pretty face can only carry you so far... Meet this seasons Amy Davis
Stephen Fowler totally butchers "Time of My Life" by the DAVID COOK and it hurts my heart a little bit (who am I kidding.. a lot bit), but apparently his smooth vocal will carry him through. Top 12 potential? I'd say it's a long shot
What is it with dudes sounding like old women when they sing? Nick Mitchell is just one big joke... but surprisingly I'm kinda okay with it. Top 12 potential? None... it's gotta be none... idol has to retain some kind of cred... right?
We get an "I Hope You Dance" by Leann Womack montage that includes a second glimpse of Danny, a not so annoying Jackie Tohn, a pleasant & sweet Arianna Asfar and the earthy Anne Marie Boskovich. The latter doesn't necessarily have the best voice of the bunch, but something about her gives off the sweet innocent vibe of one Brooke White.
Junot Joyner's "Hey There Deliah" by the Plain White T's dazzles us... well at least in the beginning, but seems to fall apart towards the end. Top 12 potential? If it's between him and Stephen... I'd pick this kid, mainly cuz he didn't butcher DC
*I love the random clips of Alex Wagner Trugman waiting they keep showing me! Just glad to know he's still around. I really don't think he's got a shot at the Top 12, but he's still a cutie!
I would have kicked Kaylan Lloyd off just for chewing gum like a cow during an audition... hello this is American Idol not Poedunk Karaoke... oh yeah and the bad singing didn't really help either.
So Leneshe Young fell apart in Hollywood... oh well... I didn't like her anyway!
It took me most of the song to figure out Kai Kalama was singing Stevie Wonder's "Part-time Lover" (which is awesome by the way)... I'm not really sure that's a good thing. Top 12 potential? Not feelin' it dawg
Closing out the singing portion of the evening is Michael Sarver who just sang OTOWN! Dude definitely gets point for awesomeness and his singing was pretty good too! Top 12 potential? Dude's getting a lot of face time in Hollywood... he could be a potential Judges choice if he doesn't get through on his own merit (ie: Dad appeal)
Final Verdict:
Room 2 is safe... Ryan's voice over lets us know this includes: Alexis Grace, Joanna Pacitti, Casey Carlsen, Kai Kalama, Arianna Asfar, Jasmine Murray, Stephen Fowler, Crybaby Nate & Michael Sarver (plus a handfull of other that will probably be cut tonight!) It's also Alex's room... in case you were wondering :) He and Kai share a cute hug!
Room 3 is not... We say goodbye to rapper India Morrison, Michael Castro (who apparently made it all the way to Day 4... even though we never saw him), Leneshe Young and cutie Ryan Johnson
Room 1 has waited the longest and they too are safe (as if there was any doubt with Adam, Lil & Danny in the room). Also included in the Seacrest voiceover are Anoop Desai (yes!), Scott MacIntyre, Danny's BFF, Jorge Nunez and Jackie Tohn. I'd say were going to see a pretty large amount of the Top 36 come from this group! Deductive reasoning leads us to believe they were the easiest group for the Judges to pick...
Room 4 is also safe, but they only knew because Matt Breitzke was cool enough to raise his hand and ask, "so it's a no right?"... that was freakin' hilarious! Once again Ryan points out the kids that matter (and a few who don't) Tatiana del Toro, Jackie Midkiff (who?), Cody Sheldon (getting a major hug from Crybaby Nate), Matt Breitzke, Junot Joyner, Nick Mitchell, Anne Marie Boskovich, Felicia Barton and TK Hash.
So tonight we finally get the Top 36 and it's about dang time! Apparently it's not enough to have screaming and crying this year we need some drama from the judges as well.... "Sing for your survival"? and a Judge's Mansion... what the heck?
I forsee a lot of fast-forwarding through the 2 hour episode in my future!
Check back tomorrow for a complete rundown of the TOP 36 and my take on each and everyone!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
"Ode to Alabama... and my awesome sister in law"
Good ole Enterprise, Alabama...
Sure it's got my brother! Who's off flying helicopters (that's like 20% scary... 80% AWESOME!!) And the 4 of the cutest, sweetest (most of the time), funniest Superheroes you'll ever meet... a tattoo parlor or 20.... BUT mostly it has my sister-in-law Lanessa!
She the coolest, yo! No doubt... She can take on the world (or encephilities) and still be the world's greatest mom, wife, sister and friend! Love her tons and I'm so proud of her!
OF COURSE, if I had the choice I'd be kickin' it with her!
Love you Lanessa! Thanks for always reading my blog! :)
Monday, February 9, 2009
"It's easy as 1-2-3"
Three jobs I have had in my life:
#1 Childcare provider- The job I've always had and would never, ever, EVER give up... no matter how many others it get! This is the job that keeps me most sane and constantly reminds me that life is full things more important than my daily worries and stuggles.
#2 Paralegal- My mission field for a time. The Lord annoints certain places and certain times and thankfully He's give me a new field
#3 Marketing Director- A new challenge, a new road, a new beginning. Today was my first day as the full-time Marketing Director at Chick-fil-A and I already loved the freedom it gives me!
Three shows that I watch:
#1 The Office- Instant classic! I cringe, I laugh, sometimes I cry... all in the span of 30 minutes! Michael, the boss we all wish to never have; Dwight, the co-worker we all secretly love to torment; Pam, the heart of gold friend we all hope to have; and Jim, the man I'm certainly searching a whole cast of characters every office just seems to be filled with! If you work in an office sometimes its so true to life... it's scary!
#2 AMERICAN IDOL- I'm what one might call and Idol-addict! If I'm not watching it, I'm reading about it or blogging about it or telling someone about it! I still have the complete last season on my DVR! You'd be hard pressed to find a person filled with as much random Idol as I!
#3 Scrubs/Psych- I put these 2 together, because while the duo of JD & Turk and Shawn & Gus that make them memorable... its the interactions between our BUDS and the hard-nosed Dr. Cox or Detective Lassiter that keep me laughing! The clever pop-culture quips and 80's references also keep me entertained for hours on end!
Three places I have been this week:
#1 Liberty Hill- To watch some kiddos! I know, you're all jealous!
#2 Church- and I'll go a few more times before the week is out
#3 High School basketball game- Me and a Giant stuffed Cow! Should be amazing :)
Three people who e-mail me regularly:
#1 Melody Kay- In fact she sent me the email that started this blog! I love this girl! Her email always make me smile even when she's far away!
#2 & #3 hmmm... I don't really get emails from anyone else... unless DSW and Old Navy count...
My three favorite foods:
#1 POTATOES- I love potatoes soooo much! As a kid I would want them for dessert (with corn as sprinkles... I was weird) I don't care how they're cooked... baked, fried, mashed, whipped... whatever! They are frequently what I have for dinner!
#2 Re-heated mac-n-cheese- I cook macaroni-n-cheese, let it sit till it gets cold then re-heated in the microwave... delicious! The cheese is all sticky and tacky... perfect!
#3 Eggs- I could eat eggs every day and never get tired of them! They're light and fluffy and perfect!
Three places I'd rather be:
#1 Napping- My allergies are making my head all foggy... so a nap would be really nice right about now!
#2 Chicago- Mainly because Mel's there (if she wasn't... NYC, Boston or Seattle would work too), but also because I LOVE being in the city! I truly feel like I was born to be a city-girl, but just never quite made it there!
#3 Watching a TV SHOW on DVD- I own 11 different series on DVD... 5 of them are completed and no longer airing, 4 of them a completed up to the season currently running and 2 of them are incomplete (and it's driving me insane!)... needless to say I love TV and it definitely keeps me entertained!
Three people I think will respond:
Whoever wants to... I'm not even sure who all is reading this...
Three things I am looking forward to:
#1 A stress free job- 4 years in a law firm has taught me that life is to short to try and mange stress... just get rid of it! Find something that you love doing and DO IT!
#2 American Idol- This week they finally name the Top 36 (even though I already know who they are) and the real competition begins! The audition stages have been a little rough so I'm definitely ready for the real talent to come out and the stars to shine!
#3 Spring Break- MEL'S HOME! Yay!
**This was fun! Don't you all think so? (just smile and nod...) I've got some more "non-Idol" ideas floating around in this head of mine so get ready!**
Thursday, February 5, 2009
"A Little Sunshine on an otherwise Cloudy Season"
Ryan calls GROUP ROUNDS the most difficult part of the competition, I call it the most pointless... to each their own, I guess. We're treated to Seacrest and his "tense" voice narrating what could easily be called childish drama from Crazy Tatiana's group, CryBaby Nate's group and the aptly named "Divas"!
I'm gonna have to go with Kristen McNamara on this one... "drop the drama... IDOL"
Katrina cries to her "Roomate" because she can't hack it (or as we find out later...she has scolieosis?!?) Come on Idol, I'm pretty sure the "roomate" has a name... it's it gonna kill you to spend a few extra bucks and type it?
*sidenote - Crybaby Nate (this will, of course, be his nickname for the rest of the season) is so Danny Noriega is makes me want to cry... but not nearly as much as it apparently makes him want to cry!
Katrina is Crybaby #2 and Quitter numero uno... oh wait, no she's not... oh well... she sucks either way!
29 MINUTES in and we're finally at the Kodak... another 5 minutes of Simon reminding us "forget the words... you're out" then we finally hear someone sing!
First up is "White Chocolate" featuring Matt Giraud, India, Kris Allen and Justin Williams: Matt and Kris are pretty dang good! India was eh okay and Justin totally rode him some coattails!
We get a "forgotten lyrics" montage and lose: Beauty Queen Julissa and sweet JB Ahfua.
Nick/Norman and Jorge make it through...
Next is "Action Squad" featuring Emily Wynne Hughes, ALEX!!!!, Ryan Pinkston, Anne Marie Bokovish: Ryan was a screecher, Emily fell apart, Anne Marie's voice didn't really get showcased, but she was sweet trying to help Emily! And ALEX... his voice is pretty good plus he's a goofball... pretty sure that's why I love him!
I enjoyed Simon's "appetite for insults" montage... "I don't want to do this anymore" funny stuff!
The "Rainbow Coalition" featuring Danny Gokey, Jamar, Taylor Vaifanua and poor no name girl were great! Accapella is AWESOME (that's the group Anoop should have been in)! Danny was definitely the stand out! Anyone else see BFFs Danny and Jamar as the "one stays and one goes" final guys in the Top 36 episode? Idol sure does love it manufactured drama!
In the other "vocal stand-outs" montage we see: Jeremy Michael Sarver, Adam Lambert (twice), Matt B. and Jesse Langseth. This is Idols way of helping us figure out who we should like later... thanks Idol!
"The Divas" are next featuring: Lauren Barnes, Katrina, Rose and Jasmine Murray: Jasmine is back singing through her nose and the rest of the girls were crappy... whatevs!
We say bye to our very own Osmond, Student Body Pres Austin and Deana "Overmyer 2.0" Brown!
Some how Crazy Tatiana's whole group makes it through despite being horrible and she proceeds to thank Jesus and profess her love for the entire Idol crew (even the guy holding the sound stick)...
We finish up with Team Compromise (who probably should have picked a different name) featuring Crybaby Nate, Kristen McNamara and Nancy: Nate is strutting his stuff on stage as if this were America's Next Top Model, Kristen actually has a pretty decent voice and Nancy's... well.. going home!
We're treated to one last "SURVIVORS" montage and get glimpses of Megan Corkery and her sleeve tattoo, Casey Carlson, Scott "the blind guy" MacIntyre, Adam Lambert, Arianna "grandFriend" Asfar, Von the screamer, Mishavonna "I was here last year" Henson, Brent Keith Smith, Junot "I was also her last year" Joyner, Kris Allen, India, Lil Rounds, Lil Bro Castro, Kai Kalama, Cody Sheldon, annoying Jackie Tohn, Ryan "cutie" Johnson, John Wifford, Felicia Barton, BFFS Danny & Jamar, Taylor V. and I think Kendall Beard.... (it took a few veiwings, but I think I was able to identify most of them)
About 75 in all make it to Round 3! Let's see how many it actually is come next Tuesday, huh Ry?
Last night had a few rays of sunshine, but too much drama and not enough Anoop! There were some stand out vocals (and even some they didn't brand as stand outs) and next week finally brings out the instruments again... we shall see if we continue this "up trend"!
**I am now learning apparently my TV cut of the preview of Anoop singing next week... I'm sooo sad! I will now have to find it on-line!**
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
"Hollywood: Round 1"
This was the most lackluster, uninspired, scripted beginning to 'hell week' EVER! Where is my star Idol Season 8? Where are the stand-out contestants that keep me coming back for more?
We open on the Kodak Theater (trivia: where ever Idol was crowned.. except Cook) with Ryan prattling on about the necessity of "courage, stamina and strength"... ease up Seacrest, this is a singing competition not war!
Simon lets us all know... "You've got one shot today. This will be the most important day of you life... 100%" -- that's a bummer... especially if you suck!
This seasons kids are treated to what they're calling IDOL BOOTCAMP! What does that entail exactly? Fun with make-up, hair stylist and our good friends Byrd, Michal Orland, Dorian, the Ricky Minor and Matt (I'm not sure where I proud or a little sad that I know all their names)... I'm not really sure how make & hair is helping these kids prepare, but the vocal coaches were all here last year... so that's nothing new!
O-M-G BARRY MANILOW!?!?!?! I am such a Fanilow! (this was the most exciting portion of the whole evening for me!) He informs us that becoming a star is when "preparation meets opportunity"... take that down kids! That's a good one! He also believe the Judges wan't them each to win... scratch through that kids... it just ain't true!
Day 1
We'll be starting with groups of 8... you get one shot! If it's a yes... see ya tomorrow, if it's a no... see ya never (or in 1/2 of the kids cases next year!)
Lil Rounds is called an "early front runner" by Seacrest, sings like crap and still gets a standing O from the ladies! Hello, Top 36! In a quick interview with Ryan Ms. Abdul calls the contestants "bismal"... you think she meant Abismal? Natanial Marshall is Danny Noriega 2.0 and a cry baby...and quite possible insane... "music bursting out of his skin?" WEIRDO! ANOOP DESAI!! love it! Jasmine Murray sings through her nose a little less, but I still don't get the appeal! I thought sweet Rose Flack did good job with "Sittin' on the Dock", but see her falling apart hardcore as this goes along! We caught glimpse of Michael Castro, but no singing... Stephen Fowler has a pretty smooth vocal... the return of Brandon Rogers perhaps? Just don't suck it up like he did and forget your words! Jorge Nunez could still be the Puerto Rican Clay Aiken... just less gay (I hope!) Von "Screamer" Smith is called indulgent and then still put through? Now that's indulgent! He's FO SHO Top 36 bound! Nick/Norman is actually pretty funny... his singing just doesn't cut it! The shout-out to Seacrest made me "LOL" though! Apparently Scott MacIntyre and Frankie "imitation" Jordan also made it through...
Day 2
Jackie Tohn annoys me to no end... plus she seriously can't sing! Jamar Rogers has been taking lessons from Von! Danny Gokey is the first to actually sound better since his audition (Anoop doesn't count... because he's just awesome!) I volunteer to punch "Bikini Girl" in the face if no one else is willing! (Jeremy) Michael Sarver has an okay voice, but I'm still not terribly impressed! At least I now know why Ryan called him Jeremy at his audition.. mystery solved! David Osmond was better too.... still think his name will hurt him! Erika Westerly is an FBI Agent?!? Emily Wynne Hughes... boo! ALEX WAGNER-TRUGMAN!!! Love that kid!
Apparently these kids also made it through (but we're not allowed to hear why): Alexis Grace, Brent Keith Smith, Anne Marie Boskovich and Adam Lambert!
104 made it through... and I'm still not that impressed!
Tomorrow's episode is all about the GROUPS! Complete unecessary if you ask me, but apparently this season is all about propping up the drama (since there's no talent (not you Anoop)... OH SNAP!)
After the CRAPTASTIC episode last night I feel the need to revel in better times... it was only a year ago... (and these are just kids that made the Top 12)
David Hernamdez:
Ramiele Malubay:
Michael Johns:
Carly Smithson:
Brooke White:
Jason Castro: okay there's no video from Hollywood, but he sang his audition song during the tour... and it was phenominal! Here's a clip of that...
Syesha Mercado:
David Archuleta:
David Cook:
**Let's just bring all these kids back! I miss them!**